
UPDATED: Wafergate-gate: It’s not just ITQ -- Doug Finley wants answers too!

From the ITQ inbox:

Inside caucus today Doug Finley did not mince his words. He threw down the gauntlet and bluntly told Caucus that Conservatives would be asking the following question to each and every Liberal; to each and every member of the Parliamentary Press Gallery:

“Can Michael Ignatieff assure Canadians that no Liberal staffer, executive or advisor contacted Jamie Irving or Shawna Richer regarding the Prime Minister’s acceptance of communion at Romeo LeBlanc’s funeral?”

Coincidentally — well, not really coincidentally; not being a complete idiot, ITQ can, in fact, spot a party talking point  just as well as anyone else — she had already submitted a very similar, if slightly less loaded question on that very subject to the OLO press office. She’ll let you know what the response is.

Oh, and in case Doug is reading this, I have no idea why you think ITQ, or any other “member of the Parliamentary Press Gallery” would have a clue what actually happened here. Contrary to some of your most cherished beliefs, we really aren’t that organized a conspiracy — and anyone who has followed my comments on this issue over the last day or so will know that I’ve got nothing but questions of my own about this whole affair.


A response from the Office of the leader of the Opposition:

“This is nonsense. We didn’t record the videotape – CPAC did. And as the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. Canadians need only look at the video on You Tube to see what happened.”