What Terry Olayta might have said, had she made it to committee today
… based on what she told the Philippine Reporter last week, that is:
Terry C. Olayta:
(Coordinator, Caregiver Resource Centre)
Ruby Dhalla destroyed herself through her own actions and behaviour towards this complaint against her. She threw herself down the drain. All the evidences she produced are evidences against her and her family and served her own destruction.Example: The letter showing that her mother paid cash, the letter admitted the worker received the documents from her brother Neil. Is that not stupid? Whether it’s Ruby, her mother or brother who returned those documents it’s still within the turf of Ruby Dhalla, the government official who should not be ignorant of the law.
We already had waited enough, brainstormed enough. We the caregivers here at the Cross Cultural have always been prepared to show up at Queen’s Park or to Labour and the Federal, to fax barrage, call the offices, continue the awareness education information.
ITQ is trying to find out just why she and the other witness scheduled for the second hour didn’t make it to this morning’s meeting. We’ll keep you posted! Our bet: Overzealous Hill security; that, or nobody bothered to give them the details of when/where to show up. Yes, it would be much juicier if it involved one of those shadowy pro- or anti-Ruby conspiracies that, we’re assured, are orchestrating the show from behind the scenes, but we’re betting on Occam’s razor carrying the day.