
Where have you gone, Howie Meeker/ A nation turns its lonely eyes to you

“‘People sense Wouters (who came from Treasury Board) will be more inclined to move forward with government priorities than anyone else. He is seen as a good COO,’ said a Tory insider. ‘He is also a hockey aficionado and has a master’s in economics like Harper.'”

The Hyper-Innovative Boundary-Busting Globe and Mail, today

UPDATE: Now that I’ve (provisionally) got over my Reflexive Saturday-Morning Globe Shudder, let’s pick this apart a bit. I can find nobody, including some of this government’s sternest critics, who is willing to say a harsh word about Wayne Wouters. Apart from the hockey reference, and the reminder that the prime minister is a big fan of the not-too-qualified, what’s most telling about this quote from the overworked A. Nonymous Tory is the greater inclination “to move forward with government priorities.” Fun questions:

• “Everyone else” is disinclined to move forward with government priorities? Hmm.

• Which priorities?

• Would now be a good time to re-read John Ivison’s column from yesterday, with a renewed inclination to take it as the best available read on what just happened?

The answer to the last question is “Yes.”