
You’d think the PM’s parliamentary lockout would be enough ...

… but apparently not, at least as far as the Ontario Landowners Association is concerned. Why, those wily coalitionists could still sneak back to the Hill to resume their sinister plotting and scheming, so why not throw up a tractor blockade in downtown Ottawa to make sure that they can’t get to their offices? Other than the fact that it’s going to make life miserable for anyone with the temerity to want to go to work on Monday, of course — and that includes the denizens of Langevin:



Rural Landowners, Farmers, Loggers and Small Business people are joining forces and are in the process of planning a large protest rally for Monday, 08 December to voice their opposition to the Duceppe-Dion-Layton coalition.

The rally, which will involve heavy agricultural and forestry equipment in Ottawa’s downtown core, is expected to draw participants from the Upper and Lower Ottawa Valley as well as Leeds-Grenville, Hastings-Prince Edward and the Peterborough area.

Ontario Landowners’ Association Director Jamie MacMaster stressed the fact that the rally is not just a “Farm” protest. “This is a call for all rural folks – not just farmers, but small business people, loggers, machinery dealers, construction guys, whatever – on both sides of the Ottawa River, to come and stand with us on Monday morning. I’m not going to stand by and let a Separatist run my Country.”

Prescott Federation of Agriculture Vice President Reg Presley agrees. “No one I know in Rural Canada voted for a coalition that would have a Separatist holding the reins of power. This is nothing but a power-grab by three little men who want to be king. They need to know that Rural Canada is standing on the outside looking in, and that’s why we decided to do it on Monday. In Prescott and Glengarry the farmers worked hard to get our MP elected; we’re not going to let these clowns railroad us.”

I didn’t realize that the ultimate goal of the NDP/Liberal coalition was to install Gilles Duceppe as Prime Minister — somehow, I suspect that would come as a bit of a shock to him, too.

Anyway, given the OLA’s colourful history, it will be worth running the tractor gauntlet to check out the protest signs – and who knows? Maybe local MPP Randy Hillier himself will make an appearance!