Re: Rob Ford: We sent a sketch artist to cover the political circus
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford addressed The Economic Club of Canada over lunch Thursday. Illustrator Sarah Lazarovic was there to sketch the wait—Ford was an hour late after he got stuck in an elevator—and the mayor’s eventual speech. Here’s what Fordnomics looked like.
I was going to steal one but I already have one!
These are business people. Time is money, no?
The media waits.
This is why I never leave home without a Larabar.
I always feel bad for organizers. Stressful in here!
Still no Ford, how about some drawings of the other reporters who are also waiting for Ford?
Ford arrives and says he was stuck in an elevator for 45 minutes. The speech begins.
Folks x4!
Folks x5, plus one friends!
Pop quiz.
And, Ford is finished speaking. Business people are better than fashion people, but still quite a lot of uneaten dessert.
I found it all a bit of a letdown. Nary an accent? But what did a paying customer think?