
Tucker Carlson’s news is not all that ’exclusive’

This just in, sort of ... not really
By Aaron Hutchins

Tucker Carlson’s news is not all that ‘exclusive’

Storified by Maclean’s Magazine · Wed, Oct 03 2012 04:55:34

Those glued to Twitter Tuesday night were getting ready for a breaking story courtesy of Tucker Carlson, former co-host of CNN’s Crossfire and current editor-in-chief of The Daily Caller. Discussion revolved around him releasing a video meant to put shock waves through Barack Obama’s campaign on the night before his first presidential debates with Mitt Romney.
Tucker Carlson set for FOXNEWS 9 PM: ‘Racially charged speech undermines Obama’s carefully-crafted image’…MATT DRUDGE
The video in question, not the edited YouTube version, will be on The Daily Caller at 9:00 pm Eastern.Tucker Carlson
Amazing to see so many in the press instinctively suck up to power.Tucker Carlson
Those waiting did not get any sneak previews.
@BuzzFeedAndrew You’ll have to wait till 9:00. Sorry.Tucker Carlson
And then the video came out.
. @TuckerCarlson reveals hidden video of Obama in ’07- his remarks are racially divisive & gives audience member Wright a shout outSean Hannity
Many disagreed with Hannity’s take on the “racially divisive” remarks. The speech in question was recorded in 2007 and can be seen in the The Daily Caller’s edited version here: http://dailycaller.com/2012/10/02/obama-speech-jeremiah-wright-new-orleans/ or it can be seen in its entirety below.
Barack Obama speaks at Hampton Universitybrettcam
Many viewers didn’t interpret Obama’s speech in the same way Carlson inferred it: “racially charged and at times angry” and “using an accent [Obama] almost never adopts in public.” Some saw it simply as Obama speaking with passion to a predominantly black audience.
“@joshtpm: I’m listening to Tucker Carlson and Hannity discussing intonations of African-American speech. It’s awesome.” Oh. My. God. #helptrh
Love how Tucker Carlson is suddenly an expert in "black vernacular."Christopher Gonzalez
Can’t wait until Tucker Carlson and the Daily Caller break the story that Obama’s mother was white. Developing….Thomas Schaller
What appeared more newsworthy is that this story was not an “exclusive,” as The Daily Caller claimed, because Carlson himself reported on the same story back in 2007. At least that what he told FOX News’ Sean Hannity hours after the video’s re-release.
Tucker Carlson "It Hasn’t Been Reported. I Reported On It The First Time"politicsbuzz
Tucker Carlson aired the Obama video on his MSNBC show back in 2007. Which is why it’s news: No one saw it until tonight. @daveweigelJoel Mathis
The fact that Tucker Carlson is trending, and not Obama, tells you everything you need to know. It is a publicity stunt.Liezert