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A COVID-19 assessment centre in Ottawa. (Adrian Wyld/CP)
A COVID-19 assessment centre in Ottawa. (Adrian Wyld/CP) THE CANADIAN PRESS

Coronavirus in Canada: how to get tested, what the symptoms are, where to get help

A province-by-province breakdown of advice, requirements and who to call if you think you might have it, along with information on who is most vulnerable
By Patricia Treble

NOTE: This post was originally published on March 12, and is being updated frequently with the most recent information from official federal and provincial sources. Because events are changing quickly, we are drawing not only from government websites but also Twitter feeds, press conferences and other sources. Last update was Friday, May 22 at 12 p.m.

In addition to all provinces having declared emergencies to deal with the coronavirus, cities are doing the same. On April 1, Toronto declared an emergency, cancelled all non-essential services and upcoming events and closed many facilities. It won’t be the last municipality to do so. In addition to checking this post for the latest federal and provincial guidance, Maclean’s recommends that readers check their own municipal websites for specific local information.

As the coronavirus known as COVID-19 spreads in Canada, the sheer volume of information and misinformation about it can make it difficult to know exactly what is going on, and what to do if you think you or someone near you could have the virus.

So, Maclean’s has compiled information about the current situation in Canada, symptoms of COVID-19, who is most vulnerable to the virus, as well as self-isolation and notification details for each province and territory. We combed through the official coronavirus webpages of the federal, provincial and territorial governments, as well as of the World Health Organization (WHO), which published a preliminary report on the outbreak in China. Sources are noted throughout.

As each province and territory has its own health terminology—Telehealth Ontario vs. Health Link 811 in Alberta, for example—much of the wording is taken directly from their sites to avoid confusion.

An important note: this information is frequently revised and updated by authorities. This post, too, is being updated regularly, but we urge readers to click on the links, especially the official sites, for the latest.

Also, wash your hands with soap. Often.

To skip directly to information and instructions for your home province on this post, follow the applicable link below:

British Columbia
New Brunswick
Prince Edward Island
Nova Scotia
Newfoundland and Labrador
Northwest Territories



Symptoms may take up to 14 days to appear after exposure to the virus while the average is 5-6 days after infection (PHAC and WHO).

According to the BC Centre of Disease Control, the leading symptoms in confirmed cases include:

  • Cough (86%)
  • Fever (70%)
  • Chills (68%)
  • Headache (66%)
  • Weakness (63%)
  • Myalgia or muscle pain (60%)
  • Pharyngitis or sore throat (48%)
  • Shortness of breath/ breathing difficulty (47%)

The WHO report on COVID-19 in China found that:

  • 80% of patients experienced mild to moderate effects (fever, cough, maybe pneumonia—but not needing supplemental oxygen)
  • 14% suffered severe symptoms (requiring supplemental oxygen, including via a ventilator)
  • 1% were critical (respiratory failure, septic shock and/or organ dysfunction/failure)

Who is most vulnerable?

There is increased risk of more severe outcomes for those:

  • Aged 65 and over
  • With compromised immune systems
  • With underlying medical conditions or chronic diseases including:
  • diabetes
  • cancer
  • heart, renal or chronic lung disease (Ont.)

Those warnings follow the findings of that February WHO report on COVID-19 in China. According to the research team, the age difference among those affected was stark: 21.9 per cent of those over 80 years died, while just 2.4 per cent of all reported cases were children aged 18 and under (only 0.2 per cent of those became critically ill).

As well, while 1.4 per cent of COVID-19 patients with no other underlying conditions died, those with other conditions experienced much higher death rates:

  • cardiovascular disease (13.2%)
  • diabetes (8.4%)
  • hypertension (8.4%)
  • chronic respiratory disease (8%)
  • cancer (7.6%)

In more severe cases, public health authorities believe infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death (Sask). Yet, unlike the nature of influenza, pregnant women do not appear to be at a higher risk for the severe form of COVID-19, according to the WHO report.

If you are concerned that you may have been exposed to COVID-19 or are experiencing symptoms

Contact a care provider in your area to get tested (province-by-province contact information below). Staff in some jurisdictions, especially large cities, may direct you to special assessment centres set up for COVID-19 testing. There are some basic caveats to observe, though, before and after you get tested, as the B.C. site explains:

  • If it becomes harder to breathe, you can’t drink anything or feel much worse than when you got tested, seek immediate medical care at an urgent-care clinic or emergency department. If you or someone in your care has chest pains, difficulty breathing, or severe bleeding, it could be a life-threatening emergency. Call 911 or the local emergency number immediately.
  • Call ahead before you get medical care. If leaving your home for care, call ahead and tell the clinic you are coming in and that you just had a COVID-19 test. By calling ahead, you help the clinic, hospital, lab, urgent care or doctor’s office prepare for your visit and stop the spread of germs. Remind each health care provider that is taking care of you that you are waiting for COVID-19 test results.
  • Self-isolate

The health-care professionals will need to know: a) your symptoms b) where you have been travelling or living c) if you had direct contact with animals, for example, if you visited a live animal market d) if you had close contact with a sick person, especially if they had a fever, cough or difficulty breathing.

How many Canadians have COVID-19?

As of the May 22, 11 a.m. update, 6,180 residents have died of COVID-19 and there were 81,765 cases in Canada: B.C. (2,479), Alberta (6,768), Saskatchewan (622), Manitoba (290), Ontario (24,628), Quebec (45,495), New Brunswick (121), Nova Scotia (1,046), Prince Edward Island (27), Newfoundland and Labrador (260), Yukon (11), the Northwest Territories (5) and repatriated travellers (13), per daily federal and provincial updates.

Of detailed data available on more than 39,000 cases:

  • 4,424 cases have been hospitalized, including 978 in intensive care
  • 35% of COVID-19 cases were among those 60 years old or over

Federal government

Official site here.

A dashboard loaded with statistics tracking the COVID-19 outbreak in Canada has been developed by Public Health Agency of Canada and is here.

COVID-19 self-assessment tool here.

COVID-19 app is here. It will allow users to receive the latest updates, vetted resources and a self-assessment tool.

There is a virtual assistant option for those looking for information (click on the small circular graphic of a headset and maple leaf at bottom right of page).

Getting advice: The Public Health Agency of Canada has an information line about COVID-19 at 1-833-784-4397. It has interpretation services available in multiple languages.


Stay at home as much as possible. All Canadians should be practising physical (social) distancing. Even if you don’t have symptoms of COVID-19, you could become infected by others.

  • stay at home unless you have to go to work
    • talk to your employer about working at home if possible
  • avoid all non-essential trips in your community
  • do not gather in groups
  • limit contact with people at higher risk (e.g. older adults and those in poor health)
  • go outside to exercise but stay close to home
  • if you leave your home, always keep a distance of at least 2 arms lengths (approximately 2 metres) from others
    • household contacts (people you live with) do not need to distance from each other unless they are sick or have travelled in the last 14 days

You can go for a walk if you:

  • have not been diagnosed with COVID-19
  • do not have symptoms of COVID-19
  • have not travelled outside of Canada in the past 14 days

If you go out for a walk, do not congregate and always practise physical (social) distancing by keeping at least two metres apart from others at all times.

Travellers returning to Canada

The Government of Canada has put in place an emergency order under the Quarantine Act. It applies to all travellers arriving in Canada. Its purpose is to slow the spread of COVID-19 in Canada. Failure to comply with this order is an offence under the Quarantine Act.

Travellers with symptoms: mandatory isolation

If you are Canadian or a permanent resident, and you have symptoms consistent with COVID-19, you may still enter Canada by land, rail or sea. You may not enter Canada by air, to protect the health of all travellers.

If you have symptoms, you must isolate for 14 days. This is mandatory.

Travellers without symptoms: mandatory quarantine

If you have recently returned to Canada and you have no symptoms, you must quarantine (self-isolate) for 14 days. This is mandatory. You are at risk of developing symptoms and infecting others.

You must:

  • go directly to your place of quarantine, without stopping anywhere, and stay there for 14 days
    • do not go to school, work or other public areas and community settings
  • monitor your health for symptoms of COVID-19
  • arrange to have someone pick up essentials like groceries or medication for you
  • do not have visitors
  • stay in a private place like your yard or balcony if you go outside for fresh air
  • keep a distance of at least 2 arms lengths (approximately 2 metres) from others

If you develop symptoms within 14 days:

  • isolate yourself from others
  • immediately call a health care professional or public health authority and:
    • describe your symptoms and travel history
    • follow their instructions carefully
  • extend your quarantine to 14 days following the appearance of symptoms

Non-medical masks or face coverings while travelling

Effective April 20, 2020 and until further notice, new measures require all air passengers to have a non-medical mask or face covering to cover their mouth and nose during travel.

Advice from provincial and territorial governments, and where to get information

Specific information regarding self-isolation and reporting varies by province, so here are the breakdowns, using the wording from their own websites. Please note that new information is causing their risk assessments to be re-evaluated.

British Columbia

Official site for the BC Centre for Disease Control is here.

COVID-19 self-assessment tool here.

COVID-19 self-assessment app can be accessed here.

A digital assistant to answer questions can be accessed on the BC Centre for Disease Control COVID-19 page

Getting help:

  • The province has created 1 888 COVID-19 to connect British Columbians needing non-medical information about COVID-19. This includes the latest information on travel recommendations and social distancing, as well as access to support and resources from the provincial and federal governments. 1 888 COVID-19 is available seven days a week, from 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. in 110 languages.
  • The 811 number is also in place for medical-related COVID-19 questions.


British Columbia moved from Phase 1 to Phase 2 of its restart plan on May 19, which includes:

  • small social gatherings;
  • a resumption of elective surgeries and regulated health services like physiotherapy, dentistry, chiropractors and in-person counselling;
  • provincial parks open for day use;
  • opening more non-essential businesses, including restaurants and hair salons etc, in keeping with safe operations plans;
  • recalling the provincial legislature for regular sittings.

Parents will have the choice of bringing their children back to class on a part-time basis this school year as part of BC’s Restart Plan, with the goal of returning to full-time classes in September 2020, provided it is safe to do so.

A detailed list of advice and measures is here.

On March 18, the province declared a state of emergency to support the COVID-19 response.

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Official site here.

COVID-19 self-assessment tool here.

Getting help: If you recently returned from travel outside Canada or have symptoms—cough, fever, fatigue or difficulty breathing:


Alberta begins stage 1 of its reopening plan, though there are delays for some items for Calgary and Brooks, which includes:

  • Scheduled, non-urgent surgeries.
  • Dental and other regulated health-care workers such as physiotherapists
  • Golf courses open.

A detailed list of advice and measures being introduced, as well as advice to travellers and other resources is here.

On March 17, Alberta declared a public health emergency. A list of businesses deemed essential services can be found here.


Official site here.

COVID-19 self-assessment tool here.

Getting help:

The Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency has a dedicated, toll-free phone line for people who have general questions about the COVID-19 pandemic that are not health-specific: 1-855-559-5502 (for Regina residents: 306-787-8539) The line will be staffed 16 hours a day, from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., by operators who will be able to answer questions or point people to information ranging from government services to travel restrictions.

COVID-19 public inquiry email at [email protected]. Members of the public with email inquiries can expect a response within 24 hours from the dedicated response team

If you fit the criteria of potential exposure, are exhibiting mild symptoms and suspect you may have COVID-19, you can obtain a referral to a community testing centre by phoning:

  1. HealthLine 811 (204-788-8200 or 1-888-315-9257)
  2. Your local Public Health Communicable Disease Control office.
  3. Your family physician.


In-class learning is suspended until at least September. For those students graduating this year, school divisions are working with graduates and staff to consider virtual graduation ceremonies and possible postponements as well, as public health orders remain which prevent more than 10 people from gathering together.

The Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) will be initiating a phased resumption of health-care services on May 19, 2020. This process will start to reverse some of the service changes and reductions that had been initiated at earlier phases of the SHA’s COVID-19 Readiness Plan. On May 1, Saskatchewan updated the particulars in phase 1 of its reopening plan, which can be accessed here

A detailed list of advice and measures being introduced, as well as advice to travellers and other resources is here.

On March 18, the Government of Saskatchewan declared a provincial State of Emergency, giving the government broad powers to address the COVID-19 pandemic.

A list of all the tools available for the public to ask questions, access information and obtain support during the COVID-19 pandemic is here.

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Official site here.

COVID-19 self-assessment tool here.

Getting help: Contact Health Links-Info Santé at 204-788-8200 or 1-888-315-9257 (toll-free) if you’re experiencing symptoms of the 2019 novel coronavirus


NEW: The draft plan for phase two of restoring services includes:

  • Increasing gathering sizes to 25 people indoors and 50 outdoors, which come into effect on May 22.
  • Other measures being examined include resuming sports activities, reopening pools and gyms, allow drive-in religious services, opening manicurist shops etc., and allowing dine-in eating to resume.

The reopening of the province will be a multi-phased process. As of May 4, a variety of non-essential health-care and retail businesses will have the option to reopen under strict guidelines:

  • Priority elective surgeries have been restarted, diagnostics screening will resume and some non-essential businesses will be reopened
  • schools will remain closed
  • non-urgent surgery and diagnostic procedures restored
  • therapeutic and health care services restored
  • retail businesses reopen
  • restaurants – patio/walk-up services restored
  • hairstylists and barbers reopen
  • museums, galleries and libraries reopen
  • outdoor recreation and campgrounds reopen

A detailed list of advice and measures being introduced, as well as advice to travellers and other resources is here.

On March 20, the government declared a state of emergency.

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Official site for Ministry of Health here and Public Health Ontario is here.

COVID-19 self-assessment tool is here.

Getting help:

Contact your primary care provider  or Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000 if you’re experiencing symptoms of the 2019 novel coronavirus.


Ontario officially enters the first stage of its Framework for Reopening the Province on May 19.

As part of this initial stage, the government is permitting:

  • Visiting retail stores that have street-front entrances
  • Have cleaners inside your residence
  • Have people inside your residence for non-emergency maintenance
  • Visit a library for pick-up or delivery.
  • Using marinas and yacht clubs
  • Playing tennis, ping pong and other racquet sports, along with gymnastics and skating.
  • The reopening of some outdoor recreational amenities.
  • The government has approved an exemption to the emergency order related to gatherings to allow Ontarians to attend drive-in religious gatherings

Ontario will not reopen its schools this school year. As well, summer overnight camps will not open this year.

The Ontario government is allowing certain businesses and workplaces to reopen as long as they comply with strict public health measures and operate safely during the COVID-19 outbreak. Those permitted to start up include seasonal businesses and some essential construction projects.

A detailed list of advice and measures being introduced, as well as advice to travellers and other resources is here.

On March 17, the government of Ontario has declared an emergency.

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Official site here.

Getting help:

If you are worried about COVID‑19 or display symptoms such as a cough or fever, you can call toll free 418-644-4545 in the Quebec City region, 514-644-4545 in the Montreal area and 1-877-644-4545 elsewhere in Quebec.

If you have these symptoms:

  • do not go to a medical clinic without having received an appointment beforehand;
  • if your condition allows, call 1 877 644-4545. If you have been back from a trip for less than 14 days, specify this;
  • go to the emergency room only if you have breathing difficulties (difficulty breathing at rest or inability to breathe while lying down).


The province outlined its plan for opening schools; it is here with more information here as well as here, as well as details regarding daycares. As of May 4, access to various restricted areas will be relaxed. More information is here.

NEW: Recreational sports, leisure and outdoor activities carried out individually or in pairs, without physical contact, will be permitted outside starting on May 20.

A detailed list of advice and measures being introduced, as well as advice to travellers and other resources is here, including a self-care guide.

On March 13, Quebec declared a health emergency.

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New Brunswick

Official site: here.

COVID-19 self-assessment tool here.

Getting help: Anyone with coronavirus symptoms can:

  • make a virtual appointment with their primary care provider; or;
  • call Tele-Care at 8-1-1 to speak with a registered nurse.

(If they require an in-person assessment, a referral will be provided to the Community Assessment Centre in their area. Note: those centres are not walk-in clinics.)


New Brunswick’s recovery plan and the loosening of some public health restrictions were announced on April 24.

NEW: The province is moving gradually into the Yellow level of its reopening plan, on May 22

As of May 22, two-household bubbles can be extended to close friends and family, while indoor gatherings should be limited to 10 people or fewer. As well, acupuncturists etc. are open, as are hair salons, manicurists etc.

As of March 25, restrictions will be implemented for all travellers arriving in New Brunswick from outside the province. Interprovincial travellers, like international travellers, will need to self-isolate for 14 days. All unnecessary travel into New Brunswick is prohibited, and peace officers are authorized to turn away visitors when they attempt to enter.

A detailed list of advice and measures being introduced, as well as advice to travellers and other resources is here.

On March 19, the government declared a state of emergency.

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Nova Scotia

Official site: here.

COVID-19 self-assessment tool here.

Getting help:

Getting help: To find out if you need to call 811, use the COVID-19 online self-assessment. (Nova Scotia Health Authority has established COVID-19 assessment centres. If you need in-person assessment, 811 will refer you to a centre. Don’t go to a COVID-19 assessment centre unless 811 referred you.)


NEW: The province has expanded the criteria for testing. If you have any one of the following symptoms, visit to determine if you should call 811 for further assessment:

  • fever (i.e. chills, sweats)
  • cough or worsening of a previous cough
  • sore throat
  • headache
  • shortness of breath
  • muscle aches
  • sneezing
  • nasal congestion/runny nose
  • hoarse voice
  • diarrhea
  • unusual fatigue
  • loss of sense of smell or taste
  • red, purple or blueish lesions on the feet, toes or fingers without clear cause

Nova Scotia introduced the following:

  • The immediate family bubble, allowing two immediate family households to come together without physical distancing. The families must be mutually exclusive to each other to minimize risk of COVID-19 spread.
  • Outdoor golf, sailing, tennis etc can resume.
  • Beaches can reopen, but no gatherings more than five people.

A detailed list of advice and measures being introduced, as well as advice to travellers and other resources is here.

On March 22, Nova Scotia declared a provincial state of emergency

Anyone who has travelled outside of Nova Scotia must self-isolate for 14 days. If you have travelled outside of Nova Scotia, or been in close contact with someone who has travelled, and are experiencing fever or new cough, you should complete the online questionnaire before calling 811.

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Prince Edward Island

Official site here.

COVID-19 self-assessment tool here.

Getting help:

  • 811 – If you have COVID-19 symptoms, including a cough, fever or difficulty breathing.
  • 1-833-533-9333 – health questions, services for Islanders, business programs
  • 1-800-958-6400 – concerns that someone you know is not following the self-isolation directive.
  • View Government of PEI contact information for COVID-19.


The province’s Renew PEI Together was unveiled on May 1. Details are here. 

New: The province moves to Phase Two of Renew PEI, Together

What reopens:

  • Members of the same household may gather outdoors with up to 10 other individuals from different households and indoors with up to five other individuals. Household units can expand by one or two members
  • Retail outlets
  • Greenhouses and nurseries
  • Construction, maintenance and repair services
  • Cleaning and restoration services
  • Hairdressers, barbers, and pet grooming.
  • Daycares
  • Health-service providers, including massage therapists
  • Dental care for emergency and urgent treatments

A detailed list of advice and measures being introduced, as well as advice to travellers and other resources is here.

The province has declared a state of public health emergency on March 16, and, on April 16, a state of emergency.

The government outlined plans for the remainder of the school year here

Starting April 1, everyone coming across the bridge are being stopped to determine if their travel to Prince Edward Island is considered essential based on guidelines set out by the Chief Public Health Officer earlier in the week. Non-Islanders travelling unnecessarily to the province for personal reasons will be asked to turn around.

Islanders returning to Prince Edward Island from domestic or international travel must self-isolate for 14 days. Exceptions are being made for essential workers, including truck drivers, airline crews, essential public and private sector worker in critical sectors, as well as on compassionate grounds.

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Newfoundland and Labrador

Official site here.

COVID-19 self-assessment tool here.

Mental health and wellness services are available here.

Getting help:

For anyone having issues or concerns regarding self-isolation, please call the Canadian Red Cross COVID-19 help line at 1-800-863-6582, available 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily.

Contact 811 if you develop a fever, cough or have difficulty breathing.


On April 30, the Chief Medical Officer of Health today announced Newfoundland and Labrador’s plan for living with COVID-19. The plan, ‘A Foundation for Living with COVID-19’, includes five alert levels. Depending on which level the province is in, as determined by the Chief Medical Officer of Health, public health restrictions will be gradually relaxed. The province is currently in Alert Level 5.

On May 11, the province enters Alert Level 4. Alert Level 4 permits the gradual resumption of some activities and business operations, while maintaining certain public health measures to stop the spread of COVID-19

Schools will not reopen during the current school year.

A detailed list of advice and measures being introduced, as well as advice to travellers and other resources is here.

On March 18, the Minister of Health and Community Services declared COVID-19 a public health emergency.

Anyone arriving to the province from outside of Newfoundland and Labrador on or after March 20, 2020 is required to self-isolate for 14 days after their arrival.

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Official site here.

COVID-19 self-assessment tool here.

Getting help: phone 811 or your health provider (Do not go to an emergency department, family doctor, walk-in clinic or your local health centre without calling 811 first).

Call the COVID-19 InfoLine at 877-374-0425 for non-medical COVID-19 information in Yukon.


The government releases its reopening plan, A Path Forward. The territory is in Phase 1 (restart), which allows:

  • Up to two households to form a combined bubble
  • A combined household maximum of 10 people
  • Food trucks can reopen
  • Funeral and religious service restrictions eased
  • Non-urgent medical services re-open, including diagnostic testing

A detailed list of advice and measures being introduced, as well as advice to travellers and other resources is here.

On March 18, the government declared a public health emergency.

Civil Emergency Measures Act (CEMA) Enforcement Officers have been placed at Yukon borders and at the Whitehorse airport as a measure to ensure that all travellers have the information they need to keep themselves and Yukoners safe from the spread of COVID-19.

These Government of Yukon enforcement officers will be collecting contact information from all travellers coming through Yukon or returning home, details of their 14-day self-isolation plans, and declarations of any symptoms of COVID-19. This information will allow CEMA Enforcement Officers to follow up and ensure that travellers are following self-isolation rules.

Specific information on the various public health orders, now enforceable under the Civil Emergency Measures Act, including requirements on travellers entering Yukon, as well as guidelines for critical, essential and non-essential service workers, is here

Non-essential travel outside of territory and into rural Yukon. We advise that:

  • people do not travel to or from Yukon;
  • Yukoners outside of the territory return home, now; and
  • people do not travel to Yukon’s rural communities.
  • Advice for all travellers
  • Self-isolation



Anyone arriving by air or road has to self-isolate for 14 days, including travel from:

  • within Canada;
  • the US (Alaska); and
  • overseas

Northwest Territories

Official site here.

Getting help: For questions on self-isolation and travel restrictions, contact [email protected] or call 1-833-378-8297. Tell your health care provider if you have symptoms.


The Emerging Wisely Plan moves into its relaxing phase one, which includes:

  • Each household can have five people come inside their homes, to a maximum of 10. Strongly recommended that households keep to their “fave five”
  • Outdoor gatherings limited to 25 people
  • Reopening of hair salons, massage therapy clinics, art galleries etc
  • Outdoor sports restart
  • Farmers’ markets, libraries etc open with capacity limits.

A detailed list of advice and measures being introduced, as well as advice to travellers and other resources is here.

On March 18, the government declared a territory-wide Public Health Emergency under the Northwest Territories Public Health Act.

The NWT Chief Public Health Officer has prohibited all travel into the NWT by non-residents. Import/export workers are, however, exempted from the travel ban.

If you develop fever, cough, or other flu-like symptoms during this time period, contact the following:

  • Yellowknife: 867-767-9120
  • Inuvik: 867-490-2225
  • Fort Smith: 867-872-6219 or 867-872-6221
  • Hay River: 867-874-7201 (8:30 to 16:30). After hours, please contact the Emergency Department at 867-874-8050.
  • For all other communities, see

They will talk with you about your symptoms, and advise you what to do next. Do not go in without calling.

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Official site here.

Getting help: call your local health centre.

COVID-19 self-assessment tool is here


A detailed list of advice and measures being introduced, as well as advice to travellers and other resources is here.

On March 18, the government declared a public health emergency.

Strict travel restrictions to Nunavut is in place. Only residents and critical workers can travel into the territory. Everyone except critical workers with written permission from the Chief Public Health Officer must be in a mandatory 14-day isolation period in the south before they can board a plane to come to Nunavut. This includes residents and students.

Ongoing health services:

  • Access to health care services will remain available in all communities seven days a week.
  • All non-urgent requests will be triaged daily.
  • Immediate access to urgent and emergent health care services are and will continue to be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  • In Iqaluit, public health, the emergency room and inpatient unit will remain open.

All public gatherings are now banned, and all playgrounds and municipal parks are now closed.

If you become ill:

If you develop symptoms and have travelled to a region with known cases of COVID-19 occurring in the community or have been in contact with someone who has:

  • stay at home and avoid contact with others
  • follow up with your health care professional

If you develop fever, cough or difficulty breathing in the next 14 days, call your health care provider or local public health authority and advise them of possible contact with COVID-19.

If you are ill and must visit a health care professional, call ahead or tell them when you arrive that you have a respiratory illness and if you have travelled.

  • Please call before going to your health centre, if it is a non-emergency. You will be assessed by phone.
  • For Iqaluit, for non-emergency situations, it’s the same thing—please call before going to the Qikiqtani General Hospital.
  • For all communities, for non-emergency situations please call first before coming to the health centre. You will be assessed by phone.
  • Physicians will continue community visits.
  • Mental health supports are available.