Maclean’s magazine cover

Canada’s not for sale. Maclean’s is.

Pamela Anderson Does Lunch At KFC For The New Faux Chicken Sandwich
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA - AUGUST 04: Pamela Anderson Does Lunch At KFC For The New Faux Chicken Sandwich on August 4, 2008 in Vancouver, B.C. (Photo by George Pimentel/WireImage) George Pimentel

7 really short marriages of famous Canadians

And Pamela Anderson makes the list twice
By Blog of Lists

Until death do us part, right? Not always. Some Canadians didn’t last long enough to experience the seven-year-itch. (Note: Some couples separated quickly, but for others, it took more time for all the divorce proceedings to go through.)

The Maclean's Book of Lists, Volume 2

1. Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johansson: 2 years

2. Tom Green and Drew Barrymore: 5 months

3. Pamela Anderson and Kid Rock: 4 months

4. Pamela Anderson and Rick Salomon: 2 months

5. Jim Carrey and Lauren Holly: 10 months

6. Will Arnett and Penelope Ann Miller: 1 year

7. Russell Peters and Monica Diaz: 2 years

The Maclean’s Book of Lists, Vol. 2, is now available at, in the iBookstore, and on newsstands.