
8 longest place names in Canada

Try to get locals to say these names three times fast

Trying to ask for directions to these places will be more than a mouthful:

1. Dysart, Dudley, Harcourt, Guilford, Harburn, Bruton, Havelock, Eyre and Clyde (Township in Ontario)

2. Cape St. George-Petit Jardin-Grand Jardin-De Grau-Marches Point-Loretto (community in Newfoundland and Labrador)

3. L’Annonciation-de-la-Bienheureuse-Vierge-Marie-de-Nazareth (parish in Quebec)

4. Stanley Bridge, Hope River, Bayview, Cavendish and North Rustico (municipality in Prince Edward Island)

5. L’Immaculée-Conception-de-la-Bienheureuse (parish in Quebec)

6. Cours d’eau du Cordon des Terres des Sixième et Septième Rangs (stream in Quebec)

7. Cours d’eau de la Concession Sud-Est du Rang Saint-David (stream in Quebec)

8. Décharge des Neuvième Dixième et Onzième Concessions (stream in Quebec)

Source: Natural Resources Canada