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Thinking of donating to an arts charity? Read this first.

Maclean’s analysis shows cultural charities underperform compared with their peers
By Claire Brownell

Many people who donate to cultural charities do it out of love for the arts, but their dollars might go farther if they were given to a different type of organization, a Maclean’s analysis shows.

Arts and culture organizations underperformed their peers on every criterion Maclean’s studied in its ranking of the top 100 Canadian charities. Art galleries, museums, symphonies and other similar organizations spent more on overhead and fundraising. They were also less clear about how donors’ money is being spent and the tangible results it delivers.

Greg Thomson, director of research at Charity Intelligence Canada, said arts charities may have to spend more money to solicit donations because the donor pool is limited to people with a connection to or interest in the type of programming they offer. Additionally, these charities can often get away with a glossy marketing brochure instead of a rigorous, evidence-based analysis of the benefits of their programs.

MORE: Canada’s top-rated charities 2019

“They’re selling a story, they’re selling a feeling. I guess all charities are,” Thomson said. “But they don’t have the cancer, the puppies, the childhood heartstrings things to draw people in.”

Maclean’s scored those Canadian charities assessed by Charity Intelligence that pull in $2 million or more in annual revenue. The ranking is based on two main criteria: Financial efficiency and transparency.

As a group, arts and culture charities performed worse than their peers overall and in almost every category. The exception is the need for funding, which compares the amount of money charities have saved in reserves to their annual budgets. The average final grade for all charities was a C, while the average final grade for arts and culture charities was a D+.

The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, the top-ranked arts and culture charity, earned a final grade of B+, with every other arts charity scoring B or below. Six arts and culture charities out of 28—or 21 per cent—earned a final grade of F, with just 13 per cent of charities from all sectors earning a failing grade.

In the social results reporting category, arts and culture charities scored an average grade of C, compared to an average grade of B- for all charities. The social results reporting score assesses how well charities communicate the goals of their programs and the impact they are having. It requires a data-driven analysis of how they’re affecting change — not just a marketing pitch — to earn top marks.

Danielle Champagne, director of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts Foundation, said the organization is working on measures that would improve its social results reporting score. The museum is partnering with hospitals, research centres and scientists to study the impact of its programs on vulnerable populations like the elderly and the mentally ill, she said.

Champagne said donors who support the arts are increasingly demanding to see such data. “The trend now is not just to put a name on a wall. It’s to really… know for sure that their money has a real impact on society.”

Susan Horvath, president and chief executive of the ROM Governors — the philanthropic arm of the Royal Ontario Museum, the second-highest-rated arts and culture organization — said her organization is implementing similar efforts. She said the move will hopefully help attract donors who are motivated by causes like education, accessibility and wellness, in addition to a love for the museum.

“It will make people think more broadly about museums and arts organizations,” she said.

Horvath said arts organizations have a harder time finding those new donors than charities like universities and hospitals, which have lists of alumni and patients to draw from. The fact it’s harder work means fundraising costs can be higher, she said.

“We are part of somebody’s thinking about philanthropy, but we may not be their largest gift or the first gift we make,” she said. “Sometimes we have to be creative and that might mean costs are higher.”

100 Top-Rated Charities in Canada

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CharityFinal gradeFundraising efficiency gradeCharity efficiency gradeSocial results transparencyCategoryDescriptionNeed for donationsPercentage of revenue spent on administrative costsPercentage of donations spent on fundraising costsPercentage of revenue spent on administration and fundraisingSalary of highest-paid employee compared to similar-sized charities
Calgary Food BankA+A+A+AHousing and homelessnessThe Calgary Food Bank gathers and distributes quality emergency food to those in need.High funding need3.5%1.7%N/AAcceptable pay range
Calgary Homeless FoundationA+A+A+A+Housing and homelessnessMission: To provide leadership in Calgary’s homeless-serving system-of-care, to ensure it meets the needs of those who are homeless.High funding need6.4%5.0%N/AAcceptable pay range
ERDOA+A+A+AInternational AidEmergency Relief and Development Overseas (ERDO) is a Christian organization passionately responding to the practical needs of people living with poverty or crisis around the world by listening, caring and partnering.High funding need5.2%9.1%N/AAcceptable pay range
Nature Conservancy CanadaA+A+A+AEnvironmentThe Nature conservancy of Canada (NCC) is the nation's leading not-for-profit, private land conservation organization, working to protect our most important natural areas and the species they sustain. Since 1962 NCC and its partners have helped to protect more than 1.1 million hectares (2.8 million acres), coast to coast.High funding need9.8%9.6%N/AAcceptable pay range
Rick Hansen InstituteA+A+A+AHealthMission: To lead collaboration across the global spinal cord injury (SCI) community by providing resources, infrastructure and knowledge; and to identify, develop, validate and accelerate the translation of evidence and best practices to reduce the incidence and severity of paralysis after SCI, improve health care outcomes, reduce long-term costs, and improve the quality of life for those living with SCI.High funding need3.5%14.2%N/AAcceptable pay range
The Mississauga Food BankA+A+A+AHousing and homelessnessThe Mississauga Food Bank is a food bank that helps to feed the poor.High funding need4.0%10.0%N/AAcceptable pay range
United Way of Calgary and AreaA+A+A+AFundraising OrganizationUnited Way of Calgary and Area's mission is to improve lives and builds extraordinary communities by engaging individuals and mobilizing collective actionHigh funding need5.6%5.5%N/AAcceptable pay range
United Way of the Alberta Capital RegionA+A+A+AFundraising OrganizationUnited Way of the Alberta Capital Region invests resources in programs and community building activities with an emphasis on addressing the needs of the most vulnerable in our society through our targeted investment decisions.High funding need7.1%11.7%N/AAcceptable pay range
Wesley Urban MinistriesA+A+A+AHousing and homelessnessWesley Urban Ministries fights for those battling the effects of poverty, in every stage and from every walk of life. Serving Hamilton, Halton and Brantford.High funding need3.0%12.7%N/AAcceptable pay range
B.C. SPCAAAA+AOtherThe BC SPCA rescues animals from abuse and works to protect and enhance the quality of life for all animals in B.C. High funding need8.6%15.4%N/AAcceptable pay range
Bruce Trail ConservancyAA+AAEnvironmentThe Bruce Trial Conservancy is committed to preserving a Conservation Corridor along the Niagara Escarpment that contains the Bruce Trail.High funding need13.4%13.4%N/AAcceptable pay range
Calgary Drop-inAA+A+A-Housing and homelessnessThe Calgary Drop-In provides sleeping accommodations for people in both emergency and trasitional situations, in addition to other programs for low income Calgarians.High funding need3.9%7.8%N/AAcceptable pay range
CanadaHelpsAA+A+A-OtherCanadaHelps is a nonprofit serving Canadian charities and donors. We are dedicated to increasing charitable giving across Canada by making it easier to donate and fundraise online.High funding needN/AN/A3.8%Acceptable pay range
Canadian Feed The ChildrenAA+A+A-International AidCanadian Feed The Children is an international development and relief agency formed in 1986.High funding need5.1%14.3%N/AAcceptable pay range
Discovery HouseAA+A+A-Social ServicesDiscovery House is a non-profit organization providing a continuum of care to women and their children fleeing domestic violence.High funding need5.4%6.9%N/AAcceptable pay range
FoodShareAA+A+A-Housing and homelessnessFoodShare is a non-profit organization that works with communities and schools to deliver healthy food and food education. We believe everyone deserves access to affordable high-quality fresh food. Since 1985, FoodShare has created innovative programs like the Good Food Box, impacted what kids eat in school, and improved the way people eat and grow food across Toronto every day.High funding need3.7%9.2%N/AAcceptable pay range
Fresh Start Recovery CentreAA+A+A-Housing and homelessnessFresh Start treatment follows the disease concept: We see addiction as an illness that is progressive, and often fatal if untreated. The good news is that with treatment and a program of recovery, addicts can and do live healthy, happy and productive lives. Our goal is to send fathers back to their kids, sons back to their families, and to restore them back into community as productive and content men.High funding need3.2%8.3%N/AAcceptable pay range
Habitat for Humanity EdmontonABA+A+Housing and homelessnessHabitat for Humanity Edmonton constructs affordable housing for working, low-income families.High funding need8.6%24.1%N/AAcceptable pay range
Hamilton Food ShareAAA+AHousing and homelessnessHamilton Food Share procures food from the community and from the food industry. Food is distributed to local food banks, hot meal programs and child nutrition programs.High funding need2.0%18.8%N/AAcceptable pay range
IndspireAAA+ASocial ServicesIndspire is an Indigenous-led registered charity that invests in the education of Indigenous people for the long term benefit of these individuals, their families and communities, and Canada.High funding need12.3%18.3%N/AAcceptable pay range
International Justice Mission CanadaAA+A+A-International AidWe rally Canadians to the fight to end slavery and violence in our lifetime.High funding need7.7%12.2%N/AAcceptable pay range
Lookout Housing and Health SocietyAAA+AHousing and homelessnessLookout is a multi service agency, providing of a broad array of social services to low income and homeless persons in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia.High funding need7.9%15.5%N/AAcceptable pay range
Mennonite Central Committee CanadaAA+A+A-International AidMennonite Central Committee (MCC), a worldwide ministry of Anabaptist churches, shares God's love and compassion for all in the name of Christ by responding to basic human needs and working for peace and justice.High funding need5.4%2.4%N/AAcceptable pay range
Operation Eyesight UniversalAAA+AInternational AidWe work with local medical teams and organizations to prevent and treat blindness through the construction and operation of hospitals and quality hospital based community eye health programs in India, Kenya, Zambia and Ghana.High funding need3.8%16.9%N/AAcceptable pay range
Opportunity International CanadaAA+A+A-International AidOpportunity International provides access to savings, small business loans, insurance and training to 9.6 million people working their way out of poverty in the developing world. Clients in 22 countries use these financial services to expand businesses, provide for their families, create jobs for their neighbors and build a safety net for the future.High funding need4.1%10.0%N/AAcceptable pay range
St. Stephen's Community HouseAA+A+A-Social ServicesSt. Stephen's is a multi-service social agency that has been serving the needs of west downtown Toronto since 1962. Our mission is to work with individuals and communities to identify, prevent and alleviate social and economic problems by creating and providing a range of effective and innovative programs.High funding need10.4%6.1%N/AAcceptable pay range
United Way of Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and AddingtonAA+A+A-Fundraising OrganizationUnited Way of Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington is a charity that works towards a future where people in our community are self-sufficient and can live with hope, dignity, and a sense of belonging. We financially support a network of agencies that provide programs to those in our community who are the most vulnerable, building capacity in the not for profit sector.High funding need4.6%13.5%N/AAcceptable pay range
United Way of Peel RegionAA+A+A-Fundraising OrganizationUnited Way is focused on improving lives and building community by engaging individuals and mobilizing collective action to reduce poverty in Peel.High funding need11.6%13.7%N/AAcceptable pay range
United Way of Saskatoon and AreaAA+A+A-Fundraising OrganizationUnited Way's mission is to improve lives and build community by engaging individuals and mobilizing collective action. United Way invests resources into programs, services and community building activities that have an emphasis on addressing the needs of the most vulnerable people in our community.High funding need11.9%13.5%N/AAcceptable pay range
United Way of WinnipegAAA+AFundraising OrganizationWe provide social service programs and services to citizens; support and fund the creation, growth and maintenance of community economic development activities that address the root cause of issues; support and fund the creation, growth and maintenance of neighborhood development programs and promote opportunities for civic engagement of citizens.High funding need2.6%18.8%N/AAcceptable pay range
Youth Without ShelterAAA+AYouthYouth Without Shelter is a 53 bed emergency residence and referral agency in west Toronto serving homeless youth ages 16-24.High funding need6.1%17.3%N/AAcceptable pay range
Agence OmetzA-A+A+BSocial ServicesWe provide employment, immigration and social services to help people meet their challenges and fulfill their potential, and to secure the growth and vitality of the Montreal Jewish community.High funding need12.4%9.4%N/AAcceptable pay range
Aspen Family and Community Network SocietyA-A+A+BSocial ServicesWe focus on programs and services for youth, families and community in Calgary and area.High funding need9.5%1.7%N/AAcceptable pay range
Big Brothers Big Sisters of CanadaA-A+AA-YouthBig Brothers Big Sisters of Canada (BBBSC) is the National office for 108 member agencies serving over 1,100 communities across Canada. We provide support, services, training and program development to our member agencies, which deliver quality mentoring programs to children who can greatly benefit from having a caring adult role model.High funding need13.2%0.7%N/AAcceptable pay range
Brain CanadaA-A+A+BHealthBrain Canada plays a unique and invaluable role as the national convenor of the community of those who support and advance brain research. A greater understanding of how the brain works will contribute to the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure of disorders of the brain, thereby improving the health outcomes of Canadians.High funding needN/AN/A7.0%Acceptable pay range
Calgary Women's Emergency ShelterA-A+A+B+Social ServicesCWES operate a 50-bed first stage emergency shelter for women and children fleeing domestic violence.High funding need9.1%10.4%N/AAcceptable pay range
Canadian Foodgrains BankA-A+A+BInternational AidThe Canadian Foodgrains Bank is a partnership of Canadian churches and church-based agencies working to end hunger in developing countries.High funding need5.8%8.4%N/AAcceptable pay range
Centraide of Greater Montreal (United Way Montreal)A-A+A+B+Fundraising OrganizationWe raise money and invest it locally to break the cycle of poverty and social exclusion. In Greater Montreal, one out of seven people receives support from an agency in Centraide’s network.High funding need6.3%7.7%N/AAcceptable pay range
Central Toronto Community Health CentresA-A+AA-HealthThe Queen West - Central Toronto Community Health Centres offer a broad range of services, including primary care, dental, health promotion, counselling, mental health support, HIV and HEPC support and education, a harm reduction program, chiropody, diabetes education and perinatal services.High funding need13.8%7.4%N/AAcceptable pay range
Child Development InstituteA-A+A+BYouthChild Development Institute (CDI), an accredited children's mental health agency in Toronto, is a groundbreaker in developing innovative programming. We offer evidence-based programs for children ages 0-12 and youth ages 13-18, and their families across four streams: Early Intervention Services, Family Violence Services, the Integra Program and Healthy Child Development.High funding needN/AN/A3.7%Acceptable pay range
Children's Cottage SocietyA-A+A+B+YouthThe Children's Cottage Society of Calgary aims to prevent harm and neglect in all children and to build strong families through crisis nursery, community respite, healthy families, Brenda's House family shelter, rapid rehousing, home links and emergency placement/outreach.High funding need4.7%8.0%N/AAcceptable pay range
CODEA-BA+AInternational AidThe primary objective of CODE is to support a network of partner organizations in developing countries to design, deliver and evaluate quality literacy programs.High funding need9.2%24.5%N/AAcceptable pay range
Compassion CanadaA-A+A+BInternational AidCompassion Canada is a Christian child development ministry, helping children living in poverty outside of Canada to develop healthy minds, bodies, and relationships while discovering God's love for them in Jesus Christ.High funding need5.8%8.7%N/AAcceptable pay range
Daily Bread Food BankA-AA+A-Housing and homelessnessOur mission: Support our member agencies to provide food and assistance to people struggling with hunger. Reduce poverty through research, education and the promotion of social change.High funding need6.0%15.7%N/AAcceptable pay range
Ecotrust CanadaA-A+A+BEnvironmentEcotrust Canada is an enterprising non-profit powered by the vision of people and nature thriving together. We develop innovative economic solutions that enable rural and remote communities across Canada to lead in the management of, and benefit from, local resources — from forestry to fisheries to housing and energy.High funding need12.2%4.1%N/AAcceptable pay range
Evangel Hall MissionA-A+A+BHousing and homelessnessFor over 100 years, ehm has helped people who are homeless or socially isolated to find a safe haven from the streets. Every day, ehm provides food, clothing, and shelter for up to 150 people.High funding need12.2%8.3%N/AAcceptable pay range
EvergreenA-A+A+BEnvironmentEvergreen engages Canadians in creating greener, more sustainable cities. Evergreen showcases its work at Toronto's Evergreen Brick Works, a national centre for experiencing the relationship between nature, culture and community.High funding need8.0%11.2%N/AAcceptable pay range
Farm Radio InternationalA-A+A+B+International AidFarm Radio International coordinates and serves a network of farm radio broadcasters and other rural communicators in sub-saharan Africa.High funding need9.0%5.3%N/AAcceptable pay range
FH CanadaA-A+A+BInternational AidFood for the Hungry (FH) Canada is a Christian charity dedicated to ending poverty worldwide. FH focuses on international development and relief projects by partnering with local communities, churches, and governments to bring self-sustainable change in developing communities in some of the world's poorest countries.High funding need5.7%11.6%N/AAcceptable pay range
Fraser Institute A-A+A+AOtherOur mission is to improve the quality of life for Canadians, their families, and future generations by studying, measuring, and broadly communicating the effects of government policies, entrepreneurship, and choice on their well-being.High funding needN/AN/A5.3%Acceptable pay range
Frontier CollegeA-A+A+BEducationFrontier college is Canada's original literacy organization. Founded in 1899, we recruit and train volunteers to deliver literacy programs to children, youth and adults in the communities where help is needed most.High funding need4.3%6.8%N/AAcceptable pay range
Furniture BankA-AA+A-Social ServicesFurniture Bank collects gently used furniture from the community and transfers them to families transitioning out of homelessness or displacement.High funding need4.4%15.7%N/AAcceptable pay range
Habitat for Humanity CanadaA-BA+AHousing and homelessnessHabitat for Humanity Canada brings communities together to help families build strength, stability and independence through affordable homeownership.High funding need3.2%23.6%N/AAcceptable pay range
Habitat for Humanity ManitobaA-A+A+AHousing and homelessnessMobilizing volunteers and community partners, Winnipeg Habitat for Humanity works with people from all walks of life to build safe and affordable housing for purchase by low-income working families.High funding need5.9%8.3%N/AAcceptable pay range
Habitat for Humanity NiagaraA-A+A+BHousing and homelessnessMobilizing volunteers and community partners, Niagara Habitat for Humanity works with people from all walks of life to build safe and affordable housing for purchase by low-income working families.High funding need11.2%14.2%N/AAcceptable pay range
Hope AirA-A+A+B+Social ServicesThe organization arranges air transportation for Canadians in financial need who must travel between their own communities and a recognized medical facility for medical care. As part of the program, pilots volunteer their time and aircraft to transport clients.High funding need4.2%12.5%N/AAcceptable pay range
Hospice of Greater Saint JohnA-BA+A+HealthThe Hospice of Greater Saint John is a 10-bed residential hospice providing 24-hour in-patient palliative care to over 115 terminally ill people each year and grief support to families. There are 170 volunteers providing 17,600 of service each year.High funding need3.0%21.4%N/AAcceptable pay range
International Development and Relief FoundationA-A+A+BInternational AidThe International Development and Relief Foundation is dedicated to empowering the disadvantaged people of the world. IDRF provides effective humanitarian aid and sustainable development programs, without discrimination, based on the Islamic principles of human dignity, self reliance, and social justice.High funding need3.0%9.5%N/AAcceptable pay range
Islamic Relief CanadaA-A+A+BInternational AidIslamic Relief- IR Canada is a charitable organization inspired by Islamic values and motivated by compassion and empathy that conducts programs to alleviate hunger, poverty, and suffering. Islamic Relief-IR Canada works independently and in partnership with Islamic Relief Worldwide and other local and international partners to fund ongoing programs.High funding need3.1%9.7%N/AAcceptable pay range
Mennonite Central Committee ManitobaA-A+A+B+Social ServicesMennonite Central Committee (MCC) is a global, non-profit organization that strives to share God's love and compassion through relief, development and peacebuilding. MCC Manitoba supports international relief, development and peace programs by forwarding financial and material goods to MCC Canada.High funding need4.0%4.9%N/AAcceptable pay range
Mennonite Central Committee OntarioA-A+A+BSocial ServicesMCC is a global, non-profit organization that strives to share God's love and compassion through relief, development and peacebuilding. MCC Ontario supports the international programs of MCC through our fundraising efforts.High funding need5.0%4.1%N/AAcceptable pay range
Momentum Community Economic Development SocietyA-A+A+B+Social ServicesMomentum is a change-making organization that acts as a bridge by taking an economic approach to poverty reduction and adding a social perspective to economic development initiatives. Our programs are holistic, covering everything from financial literacy, entrepreneurship and employment training, to developing communication skills, building self-confidence and establishing positive social networks.High funding need9.0%1.9%N/AAcceptable pay range
Oxfam CanadaA-A+A+BInternational AidOver the years, Oxfam Canada has secured a significant niche as an organization focused on women's rights and gender equality in the context of ending poverty and injustice globally. As well, Oxfam Canada responds to humanitarian crises that arise from natural disasters, conflict and climate chaos, with a special focus on water, sanitation and hygiene, and support to livelihoods and special attention to the leadership of women in humanitarian response.High funding need8.0%14.6%N/AAcceptable pay range
Oxfam QuebecA-A+A+BInternational AidOver the years, Oxfam Canada has secured a significant niche as an organization focused on women's rights and gender equality in the context of ending poverty and injustice globally. As well, Oxfam Canada responds to humanitarian crises that arise from natural disasters, conflict and climate chaos, with a special focus on water, sanitation and hygiene, and support to livelihoods and special attention to the leadership of women in humanitarian response.High funding need6.9%8.9%N/AAcceptable pay range
Pathways ClubhouseA-AA+A-Housing and homelessnessA recovery program for people with mental illness. Services include a day program, employment, housing, wellness, supported education, community support, and social opportunities. Also provides public mental health education to the community.High funding need6.0%18.1%N/AAcceptable pay range
Philip Aziz Centre for Hospice Care A-A+A+B+HealthPhilip Aziz Centre for Hospice Care (PAC) and Emily's House provide respite, practical, emotional, spiritual and bereavement support to people living with life-limiting illnesses in the comfort of their own home, or in Toronto's first paediatric residential hospice. Our programs support children, adults, caregivers, siblings and survivors at no cost to you.High funding need8.0%13.2%N/AAcceptable pay range
Plan International CanadaA-AA+A-International AidPlan International is an independent development and humanitarian organisation that advances children's rights and equality for girls.High funding need6.4%15.7%N/AAcceptable pay range
President's Choice Children's CharityA-A+A+BYouthWe believe nothing will create better conditions for success than nourishing our kids, which is why we've committed $150 million over the next 10 years to tackle childhood hunger by feeding kids good food and teaching kids food knowledge.High funding need3.8%3.1%N/AAcceptable pay range
Street HavenA-A+A+BHousing and homelessnessStreet Haven at the Crossroads offers pathways for women who are experiencing or are at-risk of homelessness, through a variety of integrated services in which women support women.High funding need8.7%14.1%N/AAcceptable pay range
The AlexA-A+A+BHousing and homelessnessThe Alex is changing how we look at health care in Calgary. Our health, housing and food programs support our most vulnerable neighbours, tackling tough health and social issues head-on, and our preventative, cost-effective programs save millions in taxpayer dollars by moving people from poverty to stability and from crisis to wellness.High funding need6.9%0.8%N/AAcceptable pay range
The George Hull Centre for Children and FamiliesA-A+A+B+Social ServicesThe George Hull Centre for Children and Families is an accredited children's mental health centre serving children and youth, from birth to age 18, and their families. The Centre provides a range of family-centered services including prevention, early intervention, outpatient treatment, preschool speech & language services, adolescent substance abuse treatment, day treatment school programs and residential treatment.High funding need2.6%10.4%N/AAcceptable pay range
Toronto Foundation for Student SuccessA-A+A+B+YouthThe Toronto Foundation for Student Success helps students succeed. We help feed students, addressing issues of poverty, hunger, and poor nutrition, and their effect on education. We continually search for new ways to help children overcome barriers to success in school. We work to provide safe, inclusive environments in which children may thrive. We are advocates for children, acting on their behalf.High funding need2.3%11.0%N/AAcceptable pay range
Toronto Humane SocietyA-A+A+B+OtherThe mission of the Toronto Humane Society is to promote the humane care and protection of all animals and to prevent cruelty and suffering. The Toronto Humane's Society's ongoing challenges include the shelter of homeless animals and the acceptance of surrendered, stray and transferred companion animals.High funding need8.2%8.3%N/AAcceptable pay range
UJA Federation of Greater TorontoA-A+A+BFundraising OrganizationWe raise funds for charitable purposes from the Jewish Community in the Greater Toronto area and abroad, and distribute the funds to various agencies that promote education, and other community related items.High funding needN/AN/A8.4%Acceptable pay range
United Way of ReginaA-A+A+BFundraising OrganizationOur mission is to improve lives and build community by engaging individuals and mobilizing collective action in our three key focus areas: All that kids can be, poverty to possibility and strong communities.High funding need3.1%14.4%N/AAcceptable pay range
United Way of Toronto and York RegionA-A+A+BFundraising OrganizationUnited Way of Greater Toronto is a charity dedicated to creating opportunities for a better life for everyone. Working in partnership with others, we mobilize people and resources to support a network of agencies that help people when they need it most.High funding need4.2%12.8%N/AAcceptable pay range
Victoria Hospice SocietyA-AA+A-HealthComprehensive end of life care for terminally ill patients and their families.High funding need9.6%16.5%N/AAcceptable pay range
WE CharityA-A+A+B+International AidWe empower change with resources that create sustainable impact. We do this through domestic programs like WE Schools and internationally through WE Villages. The unique partnership with ME to WE, a social enterprise, ensures that WE Charity achieves a remarkable rate of financial efficiency, with an average of 90 percent of donations going directly to youth-serving programs.High funding need7.4%5.8%N/AAcceptable pay range
World Animal ProtectionA-BA+AOtherWorld Animal Protection carries out programs to promote the protection of animals, prevent animal cruelty and relieve animal suffering in Canada and abroad.High funding need3.3%22.5%N/AAcceptable pay range
World Renew A-A+A+B+International AidWorld Renew provides relief and development programs in Canada and around the world on behalf of the Christian reformed church. Activities include disaster response and development programs involving health, literacy, food security, income generation and community development in some of the poorest countries in the worldHigh funding need3.3%9.7%N/AAcceptable pay range
YMCA of Greater VancouverA-A+A+B+Social ServicesWe are a charity dedicated to strengthening the foundations of communities. We do this by nurturing the potential of children, teens and young adults; promoting healthy living; and fostering social responsibility.High funding need7.4%10.7%N/AAcceptable pay range
Youth Employment ServicesA-AA+A-YouthYES believes that employment is empowerment and the cornerstone of safe and healthy communities. YES leads the Canadian youth sector with innovative programs that empower disadvantaged and vulnerable youth to become self-sufficient contributing members of society.High funding need4.1%15.2%N/AAcceptable pay range
Youth Fusion/Fusion JeunesseA-A+A+BEducationMission: To lower school dropout rates by creating continuous ties between the school system and the community, in order to involve at-risk youth in innovative and meaningful educational projects that contribute to their learning, their qualifications, and their social integration.High funding needN/AN/A14.0%Acceptable pay range
Brain Tumour Foundation of CanadaB+AA+B+HealthThrough the support of donors and volunteers, we take action and provide programs for every Canadian affected by a brain tumour.High funding need8.0%18.2%N/AAcceptable pay range
Calgary Catholic Immigration SocietyB+A+A+B+Social ServicesCCIS (Calgary Catholic Immigration Society) is a non-profit organization which provides settlement and integration services to all immigrants and refugees in Southern Alberta.High funding needN/AN/A15.4%Acceptable pay range
Calgary Humane SocietyB+A+A+B+OtherThe mandate of the Society is to help as many animals as we can and improve the welfare of animals through education and outreach programs. The Society offers services to the Calgary and surrounding areas in the sheltering and care of animals, adoptions, protection and investigation, and education.Moderate funding need8.1%12.9%N/AAcceptable pay range
Canadian Parks and Wilderness SocietyB+A+AB+EnvironmentPreserving the full diversity of habitats and their species.High funding need12.6%9.3%N/AAcceptable pay range
CARE CanadaB+AA+B+International AidCARE Canada, a member of CARE International which reaches over 82 million people in over 80 countries, works to defend dignity and fight poverty by empowering women and girls.High funding need4.3%15.2%N/AAcceptable pay range
Crohn's and Colitis CanadaB+BA+A-HealthCrohn's and Colitis Canada is the only national, volunteer-based charity focused on finding the cures for Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis and improving the lives of children and adults affected by these diseases.High funding need0.0780.217N/AAcceptable pay range
Coast to Coast Against Cancer FoundationB+AA+B+HealthGenerates revenues for donation to registered charitable organizations in Canada by promoting cycling and related events.High funding need10.2%18.7%N/AAcceptable pay range
Dans La RueB+A+AA-YouthDans la Rue helps homeless and at-risk youth. With dedication, empathy and respect, and with the support of the community, Dans la Rue cares for their immediate needs and helps them acquire the skills and resources needed to lead more autonomous and rewarding lives.High funding need0.1310.122N/AAcceptable pay range
David Suzuki FoundationB+BA+A-EnvironmentThe David Suzuki Foundation works through science and education to protect the diversity of nature and our quality of life now, and for the future.High funding need0.0510.217N/AAcceptable pay range
Distress Centre CalgaryB+A+AB+Social ServicesDistress Centre Calgary (DCC) has provided 24 hour crisis support in Calgary and southern Alberta since 1970. We do this through our 24 hour crisis line, email and daily chat and daily text for our youth. We also have professional counselling for clients with issues that can't be resolved over the phone.High funding need13.6%8.4%N/AAcceptable pay range
Doctors Without BordersB+AA+B+International AidMédecins Sans Frontières offers assistance to populations in distress, victims of natural or man made disasters and victims of armed conflicts without discrimination and irrespective of race, religion, creed or political affiliation.High funding need3.1%16.4%N/AAcceptable pay range
Fred VictorB+AA+B+Housing and homelessnessFred Victor is a dynamic, innovative, rapidly growing multi-service organization with a 122-year track record of addressing the needs of people who are homeless, living on very low incomes, and/or in need of mental health support.High funding need8.7%16.7%N/AAcceptable pay range
Homes FirstB+AA+B+Housing and homelessnessMission: To provide shelter and subsidized housing to the marginalized population of Toronto and support clients to keep their housing.High funding need10.0%15.9%N/AAcceptable pay range
Inn from the ColdB+A+AB+Housing and homelessnessInn from the Cold meets the needs of people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. We work with the community and collaborate with our partners in supporting those with basic to complex needs in York Region.High funding need12.7%6.3%N/AAcceptable pay range
Ottawa Hospital FoundationB+AA+B+Hospital FoundationAt The Ottawa Hospital Foundation, we work to inspire and enable our community to support improvements in patient care, ground-breaking research, and state-of-the-art equipment at The Ottawa Hospital.High funding need4.2%18.2%N/AAcceptable pay range
SKETCHB+A+A+B+YouthSKETCH is a community arts enterprise based in Toronto. We engage diverse young people, ages 16-29, from across Canada, who are navigating poverty, living homeless or otherwise on the margins, to experience the transformative power of the arts.High funding need7.8%1.0%N/AAcceptable pay range
United Way Burlington and Greater HamiltonB+AA+B+Fundraising OrganizationUnited Way of Burlington and Greater Hamilton raises funds in the community and allocates them to registered charitable organizations within the communities of Burlington and Hamilton.High funding need8.3%15.1%N/AAcceptable pay range
United Way of Greater Moncton and Southeastern New BrunswickB+AA+B+Fundraising OrganizationUnited Way of Greater Moncton and SENB Region Inc. is a fundraising organization that invests in community development programs and initiatives to build a better place to live, work, raise a family and retire.High funding need11.2%16.8%N/AAcceptable pay range
United Way of the Lower MainlandB+AA+B+Fundraising OrganizationUnited Way of the Lower Mainland's (UWLM) vision is a healthy, caring, inclusive community. We support children, families and seniors across the Lower Mainland.High funding need6.2%17.0%N/AAcceptable pay range
World Vision CanadaB+BA+A-International AidWorld Vision Canada (WVC) is a Christian relief, development and advocacy organization dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice.High funding need0.0630.22N/AAcceptable pay range