The Golden Globes are not the enemy, but the Academy Awards arePerhaps we should dismantle the Oscars
Seth MacFarlane’s encoreWill the Oscar-hosting gig be the Family Guy creator’s stepping stone to onscreen superstardom?
Barbra Streisand to sing at Oscars, 36 years after first performanceBack in time to the 1977 Academy Awards
Movies that make (up) history Hollywood’s myth-making machine never lets facts get in the way of a good story
Mythic history vs. magic realism: Oscar loves Lincoln and Life of PiCanadians can celebrate a foreign-language nomination for ’War Witch’ and music nods for ’Life of Pi’ composer Michael Danna
And the Oscar hosting duties go to . . . Seth MacFarlaneThe ’Family Guy’ creator hopes to put a face to the voice
Eight rules for Oscar poolsFilm critic Brian D. Johnson offers tips for picking Academy Award winners