alcoholics anonymous

The alarming rise in binge drinking among young women

A new film launches a national campaign focused on young women and alcohol

An alcoholic therapist’s search for an evidence-based treatment

Alcoholism nearly killed therapist Michael Pond. Now, he’s looking for answers on why substance-abuse treatment can be so hard to find.

Does Alcoholics Anonymous fail addicts?

From 2014: Dr. Lance Dodes on why AA’s promotion of abstinence may be a problem

An insider’s guide to recovery for addicts and their families

William Moyers was plucked from the point of no return because his family never gave up


Canada’s Olympians: Chris Del Bosco, Ski Cross

His days of drugs and booze behind him, Del Bosco is back on course


Addiction: New research suggests it’s a choice

Drug or alcohol addiction is not a disease, says Harvard psychologist, but a matter of free will