The Interview: The psychology of online abusersJournalist Paula Todd on online abusers, the joy they get from hurting others—and the rise of adult cyberbullies
In Soviet Hanna, victim bullies youColby Cosh on an anti-bullying law that was definitely not a ’knee-jerk’ reaction to the suicide of Amanda Todd
When employers police your private lifeIn two recent cases, employees have been fired for personal, albeit distasteful, online activity
The real world of teenage cyberbullyingAmanda Todd didn’t do anything online that most others of her generation haven’t done. That’s what’s so disturbing.
Amanda Todd: shunned in life, remembered in deathCan B.C. teen’s tragic story help foster needed change?
Amanda Todd: ’cyberbullying’ doesn’t begin to describe itInsidious crime goes beyond school yard politics turned digital