Why the fight for net neutrality mattersIt’s not just about access to the internet in the U.S. It’s about stopping the walls from going up everywhere.
We want Amazon, Jeff Bezos. Or is it best to just call you ’Christ Almighty’?Humour: Hundreds of cities are ready to spend millions to humiliate ourselves to Amazon’s satisfaction. Here’s how far Toronto’s willing to go.
What will happen when we fall out of love with tech?Opinion: Our relationship with technology is reaching a tipping point, where the promises it once held feel like lies. What will happen next?
Why NAFTA renegotiations need to tackle the digital economyOpinion: The NAFTA talks represent a crucial opportunity to address and assert Canada’s needs on e-commerce, intellectual property rights, and more
Photo essay: Damned powerA Canadian photographer captures the dark side of hydroelectric power—and the displacement of Amazon communities
The Bibliopod: On the cult of Amazon and magical realismThis week on Maclean’s podcast about books, in conversation with Louise Penny
Fifteen years later, the tech industry is back on topApril 24: The Nasdaq just hit a record-high. Plus, big fines for finance, angry raisin farmers, and a Bay Street death in Mongolia
Another day, another budgetApril 23: Ontario will announce its budget today. Plus, tallying costs, from the Petrobras scandal to building digital empires
The ruble goes for a dipJan. 30: Russia’s central bank slashes their interest rate, the Loonie lingers under 80 cents, and Spotify gets ready to raise $500 mill
Let’s call it quits, and head for SwitzerlandJan. 16: Target and Sony close up shop in Canada, plus fall out from the Swiss Central Bank’s currency surprise