André Pratte

Justin Trudeau: Dance Dance Revolution?

The meaning of that picture


The Orange Wave and Quebec

Thomas Mulcair says he’d like the NDP to have lots of money and points to Quebec as an example of the way forward for the NDP.


How Laurier’s stirring speech defending Riel forged his reputation

An exclusive excerpt from André Pratte’s biography of Wilfrid Laurier


Rira bien…

We are profoundly saddened to read today’s La Presse editorial.


“One of the most incompetent and harmful governments this country has ever known”

André Pratte has an absolutely devastating editorial in today’s La Presse, in which he essentially calls for an anti-Harper mutiny by cabinet ministers he otherwise lambastes “for having such a poor handle on their files, they unjustly make the federal government look profoundly incompetent.” You really should go read the thing for yourself, but here are some translated bits:


BTC: NDP et cetera

Five years ago this might’ve appeared in the form of a notebook for a Sunday newspaper. Now you get to read it without getting ink on your hands. Progress…


Quebec and modern memory: a brief sequel

I will translate larger portions of André Pratte’s editorial when I get a minute, but here it is if you want to chew on it yourself. All I can say is that since I wrote this long post yesterday, the usual suspects at Le Devoir are continuing to chew the guedille over the Charest-Harper-Michaëlle Jean “rewriting” of history. Pratte’s editorial in La Presse will be distinctly embarrassing. He opens with a quote from….Champlain: