Andrew Nikiforuk

Climate change and the Alberta flood

On the eve of new GHG regulations, new questions about the weather


Dancing around religion

Over the last two weeks, the odd debate about Stephen Harper’s religion has wandered off in various directions.


Dear God

Four months ago, Andrew Nikiforuk theorized that the Prime Minister’s religious beliefs explained the Harper government’s approach to environmental issues. Lawrence Martin picked up the theory this week and concluded that “if his government’s policy-making in important areas like the environment is being motivated by religious faith at the expense of reason, it is cause for debate.” The Post’s Charlie Lewis then raised a number of issues with this theorizing and wondering. And now Lorna Dueck adds her thoughts.


Mr. Mulcair’s reading list

In his interview with Tom Clark this weekend, the NDP leader recommended a pair of readings. The first is his own essay, adapted from the preface to Andrew Nikiforuk’s book Tar Sands: Dirty Oil and the Future of a Continent, that appeared in the March issue of Policy Options.

Battleground 2015: NDP vs. Conservatives on energy and environment

Mulcair says he could be talked into considering a carbon tax or a cap-and-trade mechanism