The making of a Palme d’Or winnerSteven Spielberg, Ang Lee and Christoph Waltz weigh in on the decision ahead
Canada at the Oscars: They like us, they really like us!Brian D. Johnson on the Canadian Oscar conspiracy: William Shatner, ’Argo’ and ’Life of Pi’
High hopes: Life of Pi, Rise of the Guardians, Silver Linings PlaybookFairy tales for all ages ask us to believe in a seafaring tiger, an Aussie Easter Bunny—and Jennifer Lawrence outstripping Bradley Cooper and Robert De Niro
Taking, and retaking, WoodstockAng Lee’s biggest challenge with ’Taking Woodstock’ was to find skinny, unpumped extras with unshaved pubic hair.
Romantics on the RivieraAfter six fallow years, Jane Campion roars back to form with a gorgeous feel-good movie about doomed love
Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp and the late Heath Ledger to light up CannesAng Lee, Almodóvar, and Campion figure in a heavyweight line-up of masters