Akolisa Ufodike, Susanna Ally and Louis Butt: In order to address systemic racism, we must discuss the Conservative Party’s policies on immigration, the economy, education, cultural outreach and data collection
Ravyn Wngz: On July 18, Black Lives Matter Toronto held an art demonstration that involved painting and stencilling three racist statues in pink. To me, the colour pink represents life—vibrant, bold and free.
’I had been conditioned to believe that racism was no longer real. So my approach to bullying and abuse has been to suck it up,’ writes Téa Mutonji in a letter to her sister. ’Now, I wonder if I should have spoken out so that, seven years later, you didn’t experience it too.’
Twenty-four years ago, the nation was unwilling to hear the Olympic hero’s message. It matters more than ever as Canadians finally confront their country’s own racist history. “We can’t afford to blow this moment," he says.