Battle of the Plains of Abraham


A war on our history

A few separatist agitators have managed to sweep away a part of Canada’s history


Quebec gets the French kiss-off

Sarkozy’s indifference is just the latest sign of sovereignty’s wane


A conversation about the battle over the Battle of the Plains of Abraham

The planned, announced and now-cancelled recreation of the Plains of Abraham battle (you know: the English beat the French and, yadda yadda, the birth of Canada) has made for a highly-symbolic wintertime psychodrama. Citing undisclosed and nebulous “security threats”, National Battlefields Commission director André Juneau kiboshed the event, which was set to take place this summer. Too much has been written already, so Deux Maudits Anglais had a cross-border chat about it. (Which we have now put into written form. Damn you, cruel irony…)