To my Ukrainian Aunty Mary, who wants to scratch Putin’s eyes out‘You taught me that I could think what I liked, speak up when I wanted to and have the courage to change my mind," writes Cathy Burrell to her aunt
To my mother: ‘It’s still strange that home, for both of us, is now a different place’Zachary Delaney considers his mom after moving across the country to build a life for himself
To my brother-in-law: ‘I’ve loved and loathed you, but I couldn’t imagine losing you’‘A rush of feelings overwhelmed me when I heard your plane had crashed,’ writes Charlotte Beck
To my Grade 10 English teacher: ‘You were the sanctuary I needed to survive those dark high school years’KC Hoard thanks the teacher who taught him how to write
To my birth mother: ‘I’m not searching for who I want to be anymore—I’m discovering who I am’‘Thank you for your love and bravery,’ Charmaine Traynor-Ruitenberg writes to the woman who gave her up for adoption
An ode to my work-from-home dining tablePandemic life happened here: work calls by day, home-cooked meals by night, a baby’s first delightful laugh. And now it’s hard to imagine having to leave.
To my dad, an art restorer: ’You have operated a one-man hospital mending shattered souls’Julius Morry, writes his son Jeffrey, taught him that the only meaning of possessions is the one we ascribe to them
A physician to his mom: ’The stress of life under the virus fell disproportionately onto you’I used to take your hands for granted, Arjun V.K. Sharma writes, but they guided me through the pandemic
35 years later, a student writes: ’It’s because of you that I became a teacher’‘You grew to represent a bright, reassuring light,’ Claudette Bouman writes of Wendy Donawa, her English teacher at Barbados Community College
Dear Grandma: ’When I think of true selflessness, I imagine you’The compassion you’ve shown as a frontline worker during the pandemic, writes Kelsey Adams to her grandmother, is what society needs to rebuild