Of pedals and metals: In search of bike maestro Giuseppe Marinoni It wasn’t easy to make a cinematic ode to a reclusive and eccentric bicycle maker from Montreal
Bixi’s broken spokesIs the bike-sharing program a victim of its own success, or just a horribly thought-out business model?
Ezekiel Martin, 1933-2012Born deaf, he lived a simple life; but the bicycles he fixed up allowed him to roam the community.
Elizabeth Ann SovisShe loved the outdoors, even taking her boys skiing as babies. At 50, she got on a bike for the first time and found a new love.
Do the health benefits of cycling outweigh the safety risks?A recent spate of cycling accidents in Montreal and Winnipeg begs the question
A bicycle built for three (plus groceries)Good for carrying both people and packages, the cargo bike is enjoying a revival
Laval students get free use of bicyclesAfter pilot program’s success with res students, borrow-a-bike program will expand