Why RCMP tactics—not weapons—failed against Justin BourqueJustin Bourque killed three RCMP constables in Moncton in 2014—and with the national police force now on trial, a key point is being missed
Fixing the RCMP: an open letter to the next commissionerPark your ego. Embrace an officers’ union. A former RCMP watchdog weighs in on how to lead the scandal-plagued Mounties
A harassed Mountie prevailsFinding of "outrageous" conduct by RCMP bosses vindicates Sgt. Peter Merrifield, and may spur RCMP union drive
An ugly homicide number we need to discussAboriginal people account for a disproportionate share of homicide victims and accused murderers, a reality Canada must confront in order to halt the violence
Who will pay for the RCMP’s epic failure?The careers and lives of women in the RCMP were ruined. Yet an apologetic RCMP refuses to truly be accountable.
Head of RCMP: ’We failed you. We hurt you. I am truly sorry.’For the record, RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson’s apology
Paulson’s complaint of harassment made in error, says senior MountieCase was ’miscommunicated’, says senior RCMP officer
The RCMP’s latest harassment complainant?Charlie Gillis on why Canada’s top Mountie may be recalled to testify at one of the force’s messiest trials.
The little court case that turned into a tire fire for the RCMPInside an Ontario courtroom, a seemingly inconsequential trial is getting bigger as the months roll by. So are its consequences.
A troubling inconsistency at the Merrifield RCMP trialCharlie Gillis on the latest from the civil trial of Sgt. Peter Merrifield