

NYC’s noble experiment

It’s part of a journalist’s job description to be an unflinching, rational observer in the face of phenomena that tempt one to recoil or spew: a crime scene, a mass grave… in this spirit, and in the spirit of Bryan Caplan’s Ideological Turing Test, I asked myself, “What’s the best possible defence one could make of New York City Mayor Bloomberg’s proposed Big Gulp Ban*?” Bloomberg, as you may have heard, intends to outlaw the serving of sugary beverages in bottles or cups larger than 16 ounces at city-regulated food establishments.


A magic calorie ride

Overeating, studies show, is fuelled by the same brain mechanisms that drive addiction to drugs like heroin


Takeout aims for gross-out

The Grilled Cheese BurgerMelt follows on the heels of the KFC Double Down


Warning: ‘May be extremely calming’

The opposite of Red Bull, these ‘anti-energy’ drinks claim to provide instant relaxation