Canada Summer Jobs

Liberals move to defuse Canada Summer Jobs controversy

In an interview, Labour Minister Patty Hajdu explains her response to faith-based groups’ complaints that Ottawa was prying into their beliefs

New poll suggests the Trudeau Liberals went too far with summer job grant policy

Even staunchly pro-choice respondents find denying job money regardless of how it will be spent is unfair, according to a survey by the Angus Reid Institute

Trudeau government stands firm in clash with faith-based groups over summer jobs

Labour Minister Patty Hajdu says the government is ‘very comfortable’ with a new funding requirement that has religious organizations fuming

There will be more money for summer jobs. Will it work?

The important takeaway from Trudeau’s announcement on youth employment: What it says about the current barriers to evidence-based policy-making


Neglecting better paying student jobs programs

Many students just can’t afford to work for less than minimum wage