Canadian media

(Photo by Candace Woods)

Meet the Vancouver acting school churning out on-screen success stories

“We are proudly Canadian and that comes through our approach, where everyone is welcome,” says acting coach Julian LeBlanc

San Grewal (Photograph by Erik Putz)

Independent Canadian media outlets are cropping up and taking off

Media institutions rely on decades of built-up trust whereas these entrepreneurs hustle to prove their mettle while developing intimate connections with readers

Journalists, we’re told, shouldn’t become the news. So why should editors?

For writers of colour, recent events have revealed the hollowness of media standards, which present as moveable goal posts

On diversity, Canadian media is throwing stones in a glass house

In defence of Hal Niedzviecki, top Canadian journalists crowd-funded an ‘appropriation prize’—a gut punch for a person of colour in media

French newspapers v. Google

France threatens to take the Internet search giant to court over getting rich from revenue-starved media sites

Bieber beats up paparazzo?

Paparazzo sheds every last bit of self-resepect and tells the world he was beaten up by teen heartthrob


Megapundit: Young, broke and Liberal

Must-reads: Don MacPherson on the magic of legislation.