In defence of the LCBO: Ontario’s liquor history holds lessons for potThough it’s fashionable to complain about it now, the province’s liquor control regime has come a long way from its Prohibitionist past
The KKK has a history in Canada. And it can return.Canada is not immune to hate, and a look at the history of the Ku Klux Klan’s expansion efforts proves it
History’s lessons on dealing with Canada’s neo-Nazi groupsCanada has long been home to hate groups—and two moments, in 1938 and 1965, show us how best to handle today’s strain
Canada’s break with America on foreign policy isn’t so novelCanadian history—from JFK and Diefenbaker, to the last ’Trudeau Doctrine’—is littered with foreign-policy differences with the U.S.
What the ’lavender scare’ tells us about Pride and its futureAs Toronto Pride asks police not to participate in this year’s parade, the fraught past—including the RCMP’s ’fruit machine’—offers cautionary lessons
The way we talk about opioid addiction hasn’t really changedOn ’Janey Canuck,’ and what history tells us about dealing with the opioid crisis plaguing places like British Columbia
How a scuttled U.S. trade deal helped lead to modern CanadaAs trade with Canada falls under Trump’s angry, roving eye, a look back at a U.S. trade deal that helped lead to Confederation
Canada is not immune to its own scientific dark agesBefore Canada gets too smug about its openness to science, it’s worth remembering our own history of being on the wrong side of scientific thinking
The history and lessons of those ’lock her up’ chantsWhat history—including the career of Agnes Macphail—can tell us about this fraught moment for women in politics
What Canada’s ’Yellow Peril’ teaches us about this migrant momentHistory has plenty to tell us about this moment of fraught borders—and about the consequences of racist government policies