
Sino-Forest: a prolonged moan from the investigators

Sino-Forest’s troubles give a valuable glimpse of the inner workings of Chinese “capitalism”


“The interaction now draws to a close”

From the Inkless emailbox: Stephen Harper holds a news conference with the Prime Minister of India. Full transcript as provided by the Privy Council Office (ours, not theirs).


Hey look: the (far) East wants in

Many of you seem already to have found my column from this week’s print edition, in which I patiently explain the strategy behind the Prime Minister’s trips to China and India. I’d have thought this column would upset people who don’t like Harper, because it’s one of my periodic he’s-playing-chess efforts; instead it’s upset at least one commenter who does like Harper, and is cross at me for suggesting the Prime Minister would travel anywhere out of any motive besides sheer benevolence. You remain an unpredictable bunch, dear Inkless Irregulars.