Maclean’s magazine cover

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Chinese Communist Party

Protestors hold a banner and a Canadian flag as they gather outside the BC Supreme Court for Meng Wanzhou's hearing in Vancouver in May (Mert Alper Dervis/Anadolu Agency via /Getty Images)

When not to pay a ransom

Shannon Gormley: It is precisely because of the CCP’s status—a thug in the guise of a recognized authority of a recognized state—that its ransom-for-hostages demand is not merely evil but intolerable, and its price not merely high but impossible
A large group of detainees are seen sitting on the ground in Hong Kong, China, 27 May 2020. Beijing plans to impose a national security law on the city banning sedition, secession and subversion through a method that could bypass Hong Kong's legislature. (Miguel Candela/EPA/CP)

Canada’s left have failed Hong Kong

Cherie Wong and Jody Chan: While the Liberal government ignores the nuances in the Chinese community fabric, we have also been abandoned by the New Democratic Party and the Greens over petty partisanship
Workers sort out all the personal protective equipment (PPE) received from China at a warehouse in Valencia, Spain, on Mar. 25 2020. A total of 3,800,000 masks, 5,000 protective suits and 2,000,000 gloves arrived to Valencia region to equip hospitals and elderly homes. (Juan Carlos Cardenas/EPA/CP)

How China weaponized its supply chain

When the coronavirus emergency transitions to a post-COVID-19 economic order, securing the critical needs of Canadians, and the supply chains that meet them will be an essential and historic undertaking