Colin Carrie

Colin Carrie bravely dismisses his government’s own greenhouse-gas projections

‘Well everybody’s entitled to their own opinion’

The speech Stephen Harper could give on climate change

‘We can’t just keep saying, we’re just going to keep consulting’

Please stop pestering the CRTC

The ethics commissioner issued two more compliance orders yesterday concerning letters sent to the CRTC, this time by parliamentary secretaries Eve Adams and Colin Carrie. Both rulings come to the same conclusion.

‘He knows his MPs are lying’

Thomas Mulcair responds to the Conservatives’ carbon tax farce.

Happy Canada Day

Aaron Wherry on who said what on July 1

Jack Layton 1950-2011

The NDP leader passed away at his home early this morning

The Commons: In a state of “suspended animation”

The ongoing saga of a round-the-clock filibuster

Do you think it’s easy to make priorities?

How many number one priorities can the government have?
More than one, it seems.