America’s war on blogsHow Homeland Security seized for no good reason–and took over a year to give it back
Freedom to hyperlink has copyright consequencesHow a recent Supreme Court ruling could impact torrent sites
Canada to U.S.: please blacklist us!Newly-released WikiLeaks cables show Ottawa lobbied for inclusion on copyright watch list
Just because it should be free, doesn’t mean you can steal itAaron Swartz’s arrest reveals the limits of open access ‘hacktivism’
Doesn’t anyone want the Geek Vote?A massive number of Canadians are angry over consumer tech issues, and their votes are up for grabs
Didn’t pay the fee? No grades for you! Sask. prof threatens to withhold grades in dispute over additional course fee
Copyright reform: the only thing more depressing than another electionWhat do we even want out of it anymore?
Universities, student reps share thoughts on copyrightCFS, AUCC submit recommendations to Parliament on Bill C-32