Cosby Show

30 Years of The Cosby Show: More than just sweaters

The Cosby Show’s reputation increases a little bit every year. Maybe that’s because in retrospect, we can see how unique it was.


Prime-time blackout

Where did all the major network shows about black families go?

They Listen To the Rap Music, Which Gives Them The Brain Damage…

A little late to blog about this, but I was reminded of it by Wyatt Cenac’s hilarious Cosby Show tribute on The Daily Show a few minutes ago (check it out on one of the umpteen million reruns on CTV and The Comedy Network): On the Today Show on Tuesday morning, May 19, there will be some kind of Cosby Show reunion. Not that there haven’t been others, but this is the 25th anniversary reunion and we all know that 25th anniversaries are completely different from 20th anniversaries.