Costa Concordia upright off the coast of Giglio IslandEngineers declare ’perfect’ end to unprecedented engineering feat
Troubled waters for the cruise industryThe ships and profits are getting bigger in an industry that lacks oversight and is increasingly accident-prone
Newsmakers 2012: A year of trouble at seaThe Costa Concordia wasn’t the only vessel to make waves this year
How diving thieves stole Costa Concordia’s bellThe massive bell, made of brass or bronze, mysteriously disappeared from the sunken ship
How safe are our cities of the sea?Ships are twice as big as when evacuation rules were last assessed
The Costa Concordia shipwreck as an Italian operaIn the end, it was the musician–not the captain–who went down with the ship
Search of Costa Concordia suspendedThe capsized cruise liner has slipped, making it too dangerous for searchers to approach
Costa Concordia captain did not want to re-boardCaptain pleaded with coast guard official who ordered him to return to capsized ship
Captain blamed for capsizing cruise shipAccusations of manslaughter and abandoning ship face Captain Francesco Schettino after deadly crash off Tuscany