Donald Trump’s CPAC speech, deciphered for humans

‘Our administration is running with great efficiency.’ Translation: We’re ahead of even our most ambitious estimates for driving America into the ground!

Daily Trump Tracker: Ramping up the war on media

The President delivers a by-the-books screed while criticizing the FBI in another news-packed day from the Trump White House

The elephant in the room

As Obama falters, Republicans are too busy squabbling with one other to notice they’re missing opportunities

A matter of postal codes

Where you live may decide how soon you die

Groundbreaking study looks at life and death by neighbourhood

The Keystone dilemma

It’s time to stop delaying the decision, writes Paul Wells

CPAC at 20

CPAC celebrated their 20th anniversary in the East Block courtyard.


CPAC round-table: First Nations in Canada: Is there a way forward?

Manny Jules, Shawn Atleo, Charlene Fafreniere, and Paul Wells & John Geddes of Maclean’s discuss the future

Talking First Nations policy with the experts in Winnipeg

National Chief Shawn Atleo is a smooth performer—but his policy answers are abstract


Searching for a balance on Aboriginal affairs: join our conversation

Earlier today, Paul Wells alerted you to Wednesday evening’s CPAC “In Conversation With Maclean’s” panel discussion, to be held at the beautiful Winnipeg Art Gallery, on the fraught subject, “First Nations in Canada: Is There a Way Forward?” I say “fraught” because how any federal government handles the Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development file ends up being controversial and sensitive.

It’s Harper’s world now

It’s Stephen Harper’s world now

The conservatives have their majority— now what will they do with it?

In the shadow of 9/11

In the shadow of 9/11

Debating the impact of the attacks and how it changed Canadian life, laws and liberties