Criterion Collection


Watch and learn, kids

Why are Hollywood films taking over high school math, history, even geography class?


Say Hello/Goodbye To Big Screen Classics

As a follow-up/rebuttal to our piece “Say Goodbye To Big Screen Classics,” Kevin Jagernauth at the Playlist talks to Criterion Collection CEO Jonathan Turrell, who says that independent companies like his own are not experiencing the same downturn as the big studios — “If we’re down, we’re down a very small amount” — and that despite the slower pace of recent releases, there has been “no concerted effort to go to newer films.” It’s a good piece and well worth looking at, particularly since my piece focused so heavily on the negative side of the situation; this is the other side, where some companies are still able to get older/classic movies onto the DVD marketplace.


Say goodbye to big screen classics

Not many great old movies are being released on DVD now. It’s partly Joan Collins’ fault.