Dale Orr


You have options, sirs

Another of those pesky economists suggests the federal deficit will require some attention at some point. Luckily, Messrs Ignatieff and Harper have a choice of solutions. Unfortunately, “none of the above” is not an option.


Refreshing candour

The Prime Minister’s press secretary concedes that the last person you can trust right now is an economist.


The Commons: Abbott & Costello fix the economy

Who was away this day. Absent too was What.


Talking stimulus with economist Dale Orr

Today brings a belated new tone of realism in high places about the state of the economy. Finance Minister Jim Flaherty—who predicted, in his absurdly upbeat Nov. 27 economic update, no recession and no federal deficits—now allows that the GDP will shrink by 0.4 per cent next year and the federal government will post a deficit of at least $5 billion.