Newsmakers: June 2-9, 2011A tiny Wolfe at the bathroom door, a flirty old Castro in Cuba and the Times’ new editor needs her red pen
Canada’s ambassador to U.S. at heart of 2005 water dispute: WikiLeaksCables say former Manitoba premier helped create “terribly strained” relationship
Gary Doer in conversationCanada’s ambassador to the U.S. on border security, the oil sands, and what Barack Obama really thinks of Stephen Harper
On Michael Wilson’s death at 81, his 2009 exit interview as ambassador to the U.S.From our archives, Wilson’s insights on Canada-U.S. relations, the post-Cold War era, and how Americans are different from Canadians
A portrait of Canada’s political culture (Part 2)Andrew Coyne on Harper’s motives in the Doer appointment
And one day, twelve years from now, I will send one of these monsters to Washington to represent my government