Great Depression

Why Herbert Hoover was a giant of the 20th-century: A Q&A with biographer Ken Whyte

Hoover was viewed as the most competent man in America for feats such as saving 10 million from starvation during WWI

Ben Bernanke: ‘A terrible, almost surreal moment’

The former chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve on halting the financial panic in 2008 and the fallout of the worst crisis since the Great Depression

Tearing apart America

How unemployment is tearing America apart

With 25 million out of work or underemployed, the U.S. is in the grips of a jobs depression


Return to Hooverville

Like her colleague Douglas Porter, Sherry Cooper expresses her concern about the Prime Minister’s call for austerity.

A reminder, on Canada Day, of how far we have come

A reminder, on Canada Day, of how far we have come

While we celebrate Canada Day, Maclean’s takes a look back


The man in charge at the worst of times

John Boyko talks to Steve Paikin about RB Bennett.


The trouble with economists

Stephen Harper, Sept. 15, 2008. “My own belief is if we were going to have some sort of big crash or recession, we probably would have had it by now.”


How Keynes became cool again

But can the ‘foul-mouthed elitist’ save the world from economic catastrophe 60 years after his death?


“Their jobs”

OTTAWA – The Canadian economy, defying all predictions, created a record number of new jobs last month, giving Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the Conservatives fresh ammunition Friday to make their case that they are the best stewards of Canada’s economy.

Is Inflation Desirable?

From February 1933: To increase Dominion notes in proportion to current Government deficits . . . . is a thoroughly unscientific and dangerous policy