

Reality check

Harris-Decima checks in with the electorate.


The Turmel referendum

Respondents to a Harris/Decima survey seem mostly unmoved by Nycole Turmel’s Bloc Quebecois membership.


Everything you know is of questionable accuracy

In a pair of stories, Joan Bryden effectively questions the basis for 85% of political discussion in popular media.


We remain torn over hypothetical options

When Nanos polled a thousand Canadians in January 2009 about what should happen if that year’s federal budget was defeated, 49% favoured an election, 42% said the opposition should be invited to form a coalition.


Harris Decima/CP: … Then again, maybe not.

Slightly less blue-rose-coloured numbers from Harris Decima, which polled from October 1 to 12 — and wouldn’t you like to see those day-by-day breakdowns? — with a 2.2 margin of error:


UPDATED: Oh, Canadians. Why must you confound conventional wisdom like this?

Nearly half of Canadians support the idea of a coalition government


UPDATED: Why must you torture ITQ like this, Canadian Press/Harris-Decima?

Hey, look —  a hypertopical public opinion poll on employment insurance reform, courtesy of CP/Harris Decima:


Harris Decima Cliffhanger Thread (TBA)

Okay, I can’t seem to find the latest from Harris Decima, and I have to run out the door – so I’m going to deputize y’all in the comments to post the numbers – and the URL, if it’s not on the main site – and I’ll update this post when I get to my next destination. (That sounds so glamourous, but it’s really just the Hot Room.)



Hardly Decimated: (32/27/19/12/8)

Sneak peek at today’s offering from Harris Decima, which has something for everyone to dismiss as unreliable, inconsistent and the result of a rogue poll. Except for BlocWatchers, since my dealer didn’t have that number. I’ll update with a link to the full data as soon as it goes up, but this will tide us over for now:

Conservatives: 32 (+1)


Enjoy that midmorning muffin with a tasty four point spread (31/27/20/12/8)

… those are the latest numbers from Harris Decima, apparently. (No link yet, but I’ll add one as soon as it goes up.) Also – and this just seems too crazy to believe, so I guess we’ll see – for the first time ever, the Most Leaderiest Prime Minister in the History of Ever is one point below the European-schooled sociologist when it comes to having a “favourable impression” : 40% – a new low – with Not A Leader at 41% (Unfavourable impressions: 51% to 48%, respectively.)

Conservatives: 31 (-)


Harrowing decimals from Harris Decima (31/26/21/13/8)

No background details available yet, alas, so feel free to speculate as to what sort of wild rogue pollsterizing is responsible for the latest from Harris Decima.