The Apple Store of medical marijuana?A boutique brand aims to give medical marijuana the white-glove, apothecary-chic treatment
Could Canada cause multiple sclerosis?The cheeky rebranding of multiple sclerosis in Canada raises the fair question: why are rates so high here?
D.I.Y. DNA: Genetic testing at home is risky businessWhat harm could come from sending off a sample of your DNA to find out your genetic history and potential health problems?
Harper’s vaccine-science plea raises a policy question’We have a responsibility to set an example, for God’s sake’
Those federal anti-marijuana ads seem to be a recent idea Conservatives assert old public-health aims, but planning documents suggest their anti-marijuana strategy is new
Should doctors’ groups back planned federal anti-marijuana ads?Health Canada is seeking endorsements for the campaign, but these aren’t simple public-service ads, writes John Geddes
8 surprising goods banned from entering CanadaLeave those feather boas behind when crossing the border
Health Canada’s new Lyme disease plan: You act, we’ll watchCanada is under pressure to show leadership as Lyme spreads, but its ’action plan’ shows it’s out of touch
Medical marijuana: A grow opportunity knocks Based in an old candy factory, Tweed takes medical marijuana marketing to a new high