Higgs boson

Live from the Perimeter Institute: The Most Wanted Particle

Live at 7 p.m. ET: CERN researcher and physicist Jon Butterworth considers the quest for Higgs boson

Higgs boson a no-win situation for Nobel prize committee

Nobel Prize goes to Francois Englert and Peter W. Higgs


Higgs boson ‘God particle’ discovery more likely to be correct

Researchers at a conference in Italy say that there is increasing evidence that the Higgs boson, the “God particle” as it is sometimes known, has been discovered.

Newsmakers 2012: Higgs & Kisses

Science’s big bet paid off when the ‘God particle’ was discovered courtesy of the monstrous Hadron Collider

Unravelling the universe

Why the Higgs boson discovery changed everything

Maclean’s archives: A special report from the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland

Podcast: Kate Lunau on writing this week’s Higgs boson cover story

This is going to change everything: find out why

Tourist spike at CERN

Hundreds of people, physics lovers and those that don’t know the difference between an electron and proton alike, are making the pilgrimage to Geneva


Hello there, Higgs boson

Scientists at the world’s biggest atom smasher have announced the discovery of a brand-new particle—and it looks an awful lot like the long-sought Higgs boson, also known as the “God particle,” without which the universe as we know it wouldn’t exist.

Higgs boson steals the show at AAAS meeting

Scientists promise new results on the God particle in the next few months

Scientists narrow in on hunt for ‘God particle’

Canadian university researchers among international team