Humber grads sold storage system to Dragons’ Den, made millionsHow two brothers designed a system that keeps couch-surfing students’ wardrobes neat
Humber’s for-credit gospel choir is a haven for students of all majorsHumber’s gospel choir is a credit course for music students, but non-music majors are welcome, too
Popular stage shows like ’War Horse’ are leading a puppetry revivalProductions like War Horse and Avenue Q have revived interest in puppetry, which lives somewhere between theatre and art
Training the next generation of comedians, one gag at a timeHumber College’s comedy program is proving that while you can’t teach being funny, you can teach people how to get a laugh
Robot-ready grads take mechatronics at Humber98% of grads get jobs by June and earn about $50,000 to start
Why colleges are increasingly being seen as the smart choiceThis post-secondary option is no longer the poor cousin to university—even if your parents don’t agree
How mixing and matching is making education more uniquePost-secondary education can be personalized, just like your playlist or your movies
College backtracks after telling students to dropout A delay in criminal record checks left Humber College nursing students unsure if they could take a clinical placement