Indigenous culture

Lauren Ashley Jiles is a global burlesque superstar celebrating her Indigenous roots

“When I told my grandmother about my dancing, she said, ‘If you’re going to do it, be the best at it’”

(Photo by Lars Blackmore)

The Curious Case of Gina Adams: A “Pretendian” Investigation

She was hired by Emily Carr University in an effort to recruit Indigenous faculty. Then questions arose about her identity.

Students Kateri Lynn and Theresa Lynn work with Elder Madeline Judas to stretch the caribou hide after it has been soaked in a soup made from caribou brains. (Courtesy of Kyla LeSage/Dechinta Centre for Research and Learning)

The brilliance that residential schools could not stamp out

Leanne Betasamosake Simpson: For two weeks, I lived immersed in a world built by Dene, on their land. A world that Canada still tries very hard to destroy.

Dechinta students on the land during the Fall 2020 Semester on MacKenzie Island, outside of Yellowknife, Chief Drygeese Territory, NWT (Courtesy of Morgan Tsetta)

May 2021 be the year land is once again refuge for Indigenous people

Leanne Betasamosake Simpson: During the pandemic, Indigenous people reconnected to their land, embracing bush life and learning to live in community with each other in times of trouble

McKay stands near the taped-off area where his excavator turned up a human skull (Photograph by Jen Osborne)

Human remains found on Vancouver Island have opened a door into a lost world

The discovery has resurfaced the tragic story of the Pentlatch people

For Indigenous boy whose braid got cut, the meaning of long hair makes it worth the taunts

The 11-year-old from Calgary grew out his hair as a gesture of solidarity with his ailing mom—only to have a fellow student try to slice it off