
The evolutionary advantages of a cold climate

It’s freezing in Edmonton—all the more reason to move there

Mensa babies

Younger and younger children are getting IQ tests. Kate Lunau follows one family’s journey into the land of the supersmart


Americans Like Our Shows… Eventually

Marsha Lederman has an article on Chris Haddock, who created Da Vinci’s Inquest and Intelligence for the CBC, and how the belated U.S. following of those shows wound up getting him his current job on Boardwalk Empire. It turns out that Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan was an admirer of Da Vinci’s Inquest, and mentioned this after he sat on a panel being moderated by Haddock; Haddock sent copies of Intelligence to Gilligan and Treme‘s Eric Overmeyer, and the two of them started talking the show up in Los Angeles.


Smarter people more likely to try drugs

“Likely mechanism is openness to experience”


Wikileaks: the Canadian files

The shocking truth about John Baird, Harper’s hockey book and those ‘pandas’


Who’s the smartest?

A new ranking of European countries places the Nordic nations at the top of the list. As for the bottom . . .


Top 10 Canadian TV shows of the decade

Our critic picks the English-language shows from the past 10 years that kept him glued to the small screen