Ladies and trolls of the InternetThe web is home to violently sexist commentary that wouldn’t be tolerated elsewhere
Canadian broadband: the time for complaining is overIt’s hard to imagine life without the Internet. But for millions of people, it’s a reality.
Boo! A brief history of technology scaresPeople have been worrying about the effects of new technology since, well, fire
The German Pirate Party’s flagging sailsThe past activities of some members are casting shadows over the party’s move onto the national political stage
Freedom to hyperlink has copyright consequencesHow a recent Supreme Court ruling could impact torrent sites
Welcome to the Internet. No kids allowedWhere’s the wisdom in forcing kids to lie about their age to get online?
Britain’s futile quest to ban Internet pornIf a country were to successfully ban online porn, it’s a safe bet Internet traffic would nosedive
You’re about to become a copyright criminalHave a look at the Conservatives’ bill. Can you spot every way you could be in trouble?