After Paris: The new war on terrorIslamic State is doomed. But its military collapse could mark the beginning of something even worse.
Trudeau’s ISIS quagmireWhile Canada’s allies renew their war on terror against Islamic State, the Liberals stick to a promise to withdraw our jets
Extremism expert: ’We shouldn’t be shocked’A Q&A with expert Phil Gurski, a longtime analyst at Canada’s spy agency, on the allure of terrorist groups like ISIS
Why ISIS is more dangerous than everThe Islamic State is on the road to collapse and is now lashing out. Will the West take its bait?
If ISIS is perpetrating genocide, is Canada morally obligated to fight?A new report says Islamic State committed genocide, and argues that countries like Canada must therefore hold them accountable
Canadian John Gallagher killed by Islamic State suicide bomberJohn Gallagher, a former Canadian infantryman who was fighting Islamic State alongside the YPG, was profiled by Maclean’s months before his death
Dear Mr. Trudeau, about Syria . . .Your party pioneered the notion of ’responsibility to protect’. Ending the air war against Islamic State would violate it.
Vladimir Putin’s new world order in the Middle EastBy entering the Syrian civil war, Russia is asserting itself as a new power in the Middle East—at America’s expense. And everything will be worse for it.
There is nothing hopeful about Russia’s military aid in SyriaThe welfare of Syrians is the last thing motivating Moscow’s military intervention in Syria on behalf of Bashar al-Assad, says Michael Petrou
Canada’s air strikes won’t make or break war against Islamic StateParty lines on fighting Islamic State are clear in this federal election. But are we doing enough?