Memo to future prime ministers: Some days you’ll hate this jobPaul Wells: A tendency to experience heartbreak on the job isn’t unique to this prime minister
The cabinet shuffle: Trudeau channels his inner ChrétienPaul Wells: The prime minister has put away his sunny ways in favour of darker things—and a new cabinet that is built for survival
NAFTA: A brief historyAs NAFTA negotiations get underway, Maclean’s explains the rocky road to the original agreement—and what negotiators are up against as they hammer out a new deal
Omar Khadr: a political inkblot testThe political positions on the Khadr payout reveal the difficulties of separating partisan loyalties from the principles of fairness
Omar Khadr remains a prisoner of partisan politicsOmar Khadr has reportedly reached a settlement with the Canadian government—but he remains caught in the crossfire of years of political point-scoring
When Trudeau meets Trump: advice from an ex-ambassadorThe last time a first bilateral meeting was so politically fraught, Bush was president—and Michael Kergin was our envoy to the U.S.
Joe Biden comes to Ottawa, and it feels oddly familiarOn two career politicians—including one longtime Canadian PM—who weren’t crude populists and stayed cool
In photos: Castro with CanadiansCanada’s relationship with Fidel Castro was sometimes controversial, but lasted through decades
Ranking Canada’s best and worst prime ministersA survey of scholars across the country weigh in on Canada’s best and worst prime ministers, ranked in duration of their terms
Life after 24 Sussex: What comes next for former prime ministers?Most served as corporate directors. Two testified at public inquiries. One will help appoint the next Supreme Court justice.