Philippe J. Fournier: A new survey looking at federal-provincial attitudes suggests that even in Quebec and Alberta, regional resentment is not on the rise
Philippe J. Fournier: A flurry of polls over the past week put the B.C. NDP odds of winning at 98 per cent, with 59 seats and possibly the highest vote share in its history
Philippe J. Fournier: John Horgan’s election gamble appears to be paying off, with a new Mainstreet poll showing an NDP majority and the Liberals in trouble
Philippe J. Fournier: The NDP begins the campaign comfortably in majority territory with an average of 55 seats, while the Liberals face an uphill battle
John Horgan is Canada’s sole NDP premier, thanks to a power-sharing agreement with the Greens. More than two years in, Canada’s last NDP government seems stable.