legalizing marijuana

weed self care microdosing

Why I traded in my wine for weed

I stopped smoking marijuana years ago. But with pot being pitched as the answer to everything from stress to sleeplessness, I decided to find out if cannabis is the fastest route to wellness. Introducing the new world of weed.

Watch Canadians grill Trudeau over ethics and pot legalization

Justin Trudeau faced tough questions at his first town-hall event of the year in Sackville, N.S., where he had to defend the ethics of his vacation with the Aga Khan, legalization of marijuana and Ottawa’s position on ALS treatments.

Justin Trudeau and the dangers of legalizing weed

What was once a popular promise from a new leader has became a test for Trudeau’s brand and a headache for government

Legalizing weed: how Uruguay tripped up

No one wants to buy the legal stuff, and no one wants to sell it. One country’s cautionary tale for Canada.


Have you ever really looked at your hand?

Bruce Cheadle harshes the buzz on legalizing marijuana.