

NYC’s noble experiment

It’s part of a journalist’s job description to be an unflinching, rational observer in the face of phenomena that tempt one to recoil or spew: a crime scene, a mass grave… in this spirit, and in the spirit of Bryan Caplan’s Ideological Turing Test, I asked myself, “What’s the best possible defence one could make of New York City Mayor Bloomberg’s proposed Big Gulp Ban*?” Bloomberg, as you may have heard, intends to outlaw the serving of sugary beverages in bottles or cups larger than 16 ounces at city-regulated food establishments.

You can't do that here

You can’t do that in San Francisco

In San Francisco, bans are a way of life


This week: Good news, bad news

Ottawa appeals Europe’s seal ban, while the U.S. fails to tackle a record deficit

The lovable government hater

The lovable government hater

Even this hard-liner can’t resist Amy Poehler’s spunk


Worthwhile census submissions

Stephen Gordon has a go at the libertarians.


The libertarian cavalry

The economists, statisticians, city planners, social groups and religious leaders have had (and continue to have) their say and so now the folks at the Western Standard have helpfully compiled census opinions from their libertarian orbit, including takes from PM Jaworski, Walter Block, JJ McCullough, Terrence Watson, Martin Masse, Hugh MacIntyre and Paul McKeever.


Tax freedom? What a lot of rubbish.

Only the Fraser Institute could see it as a bad thing that we spend less of our income on basics like food and shelter than we used to