Maclean’s magazine cover

Canada’s not for sale. Maclean’s is.




The False Prophet of Edmonton

In a suburban industrial park, John de Ruiter built up a spiritual movement, mashing up Christian theology and New Age mysticism. Today, eight former followers claim he brainwashed them into sex. The case against him will test the boundaries of consent.

The Unsteady Reign of Danielle Smith

Alberta’s premier rode into office declaring war on the federal government—and won by a tiny margin. Can she keep her rebellious rural base happy, without sparking a national crisis?

You’re Wrong About Gen Z

Young Canadians like me are fighting for saner, happier, healthier working lives. What we achieve could transform work for everyone.
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My Escape From Iran

I worked at a prosperous medical clinic in Iran. When the protests began, the regime came for me. This is how I escaped.
Kristi Herrling has four young children and a practice of more than 1,000 patients. She works from 7:30 a.m. until late into the night, finding time in between to pack lunches, give goodbye kisses, brush teeth and read bedtime stories. (Photos by Grant Harder)

A doctor’s dilemma

My job as a family physician in small-town British Columbia is a dream come true. It’s also nearly impossible to do.
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Len and Cub: A secret love

Len Keith and Cub Coates fell for each other in early 20th-century New Brunswick, at a time and place where queer relationships were taboo. Their story was almost lost forever—until a collection of tender photographs brought their romance into the light.

The Age of Wildfires

Wildfires are hotter, bigger and deadlier than ever. And they’re getting worse.